Tag Archives: mental health

Ageism Awareness Day This Saturday 7th October

EveryAGE Counts

Ageism Awareness Day designated on Saturday 7th October reminds all Australians of the harmful and damaging effects of stereotyping, discrimination and mistreatment directed towards older Australians.

The recognition of this day was pioneered by EveryAGE Counts which is Australia’s national campaign against ageism. Ageism Awareness Day has now been recognised around the world including by the American Society on Ageing.

EveryAGE Counts is a national coalition of organisations and individuals including the Australian Human Rights Commission, over 30 local government Councils and over 100 community based, advocacy and research organisations who are working together to tackle these issues in the Australian community.

The results of an EveryAGE Counts major national survey of over 1000 people over 50 years of age last year, revealed that 68% agreed that ageism against older people is a “serious problem in Australia” and this figure increases as people get older.

A spokesperson for the EveryAGE Counts Campaign Robert Tickner said, “ageism is not some hollow empty trendy word, and there was hard evidence that stereotyping and discrimination against older people was damaging to the health and well-being of older Australians in many areas”.

“It often starts when people, in their earlier fifties, are denied jobs or promotions. Later on in life it is often a root cause and contributor to elder abuse and the mistreatment in aged care exposed by the Aged Care Royal Commission”, Mr Tickner said.

“The statistics on unemployment of people over 50 are very revealing. 20 years ago 1 in 20 people who were unemployed were between 50 and 65 but now that figure has doubled to 1 in 10, and worse, these people make up a much larger group among the long term unemployed”.

“All of us, if we live into our fifties or older will be impacted by ageism and that is one of the reasons we support intergenerational solidarity. Older Australians like the rest of the community want to be treated as individuals and not treated differently simply because they are older.”

“There are so many false assumptions about older people which strip them of their agency and right to control their own lives, as our survey also revealed. Things like false assumptions about the inevitability of dementia as we age, lack of capacity of older people in the workforce when many want to, and are capable of, working, and false assumptions about needing help when many want to be self-reliant. Too often older people are talked down to in the community and in health care which further strips them of their autonomy and dignity.”

“Sure some older people may need support but the bottom line is that it is best to see older people as individuals and not make generalised assumptions or gratuitous, thoughtless and offensive jokes about their age.”

“Our EveryAGE Counts website ( everyagecounts.org.au ) features a fabulous publication called “The Real Old” which I encourage people to read. It is a myth busting publication blowing false stereotypes about ageing out of the water,” Mr Tickner said.

“These issues cross party lines and EveryAGE Counts has received support from Ministers responsible for Ageing on both sides of the political fence and we want to keep it that way. These issues are above politics. These issues are about all of us. We are all getting older”.

“The World Health Organisation has found that ageism can be damaging to the health and well-being of older people and can reduce life span by up to 7.5 years as people become disrespected, devalued and robbed of their humanity.”

“We also want to see an Australia where people of different ages are not falsely pitted against each other but where people of all ages are valued and respected. That is another reason we stand for building bridges across the generations”.

Mr Tickner said, “As the Australian population ages these issues are going to become increasingly critical to address and that is why the EveryAGE Counts Campaign believes that there is a need for a national public awareness and education campaign around ageism and its impacts and we are seeking resources to conduct this campaign.”

“Australian politicians from all parties have united to make Age Discrimination illegal in every State and Territory but such discrimination remains rampant as surveys reveal.“

“The challenge is now to change what is in people’s hearts and minds and educate people that age discrimination and exclusion harms us all and diminishes our society.

We can be a world leader in the work of tackling ageism and enhancing the quality of life of people growing older in Australia”, Mr Tickner said.

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Ageism Awareness Day This Saturday 7th October is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Quote Source: https://www.australiafitnesstoday.com/2023/10/11/ageism-awareness…rday-7th-october

Mental health recognised as a critical concern by people in Asia, yet are unlikely to seek external support

FWD Group survey finds people in Asia view mental health as a critical concern, yet are unlikely to seek external support – positive reframing of the issue may hold the key to bridging the gap.

·       65% of people in Asia believe mental health will be one of the most critical issues in the coming year, yet only one-third are open to seeking external support

·       31% of respondents in Asia believe renaming “mental health” can help people to open up

·       40% of respondents in Asia say the cost of treatment is the biggest impediment to seeking outside help for mental health care

Hong Kong, 10 October 2022 (AFTNN/PRNews) – FWD Group Holdings Limited (“FWD Group”) today released the findings from its international mental health survey, one of the largest completed in Asia, to identify insights and ideas to help promote better overall emotional well-being.

In collaboration with Blackbox, an independent research company, the survey interviewed more than 10,000 people across 16 international markets between June and July 2022, including nine markets where FWD operates: Cambodia; Hong Kong; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; the Philippines; Singapore; Thailand and Vietnam.

Sim Preston, Managing Director and Group Chief Operating Officer, FWD Group, said, “While it’s great that mental health is gaining more and more awareness, especially in Asia, the stigma and cost of treatment remain barriers for people to seek the help they need. Published on World Mental Health Day, we hope this survey contributes insights and ideas that can help further raise awareness for this critical issue. As an insurer, we also look forward to making mental health protection more inclusive and focused on building mind strength, to enable people to celebrate living.”

While the survey found that 65% of people in Asia believe that mental health will become a critical issue in the coming year, only one-third of them prefer discussing their concerns externally. Given the cultural and societal stigmas associated with mental health, the survey findings showed that reframing mental health in a more positive way, such as ‘mind strength’, may reduce the stigma attached to the more traditional term and encourage more people in the region to open up about their challenges.

Cost of treatment was also identified as one of the most significant barriers to receiving care for mental health challenges in Asia, and 76% of respondents expressed their interest in exploring insurance options to address such challenges. The survey also uncovered that people in Asia worry about their families and jobs, which can lead to a higher rate of mental health challenges.

“Our survey showed that contributing factors to mental stress include concerns about a wide range of family responsibilities, coupled with work-related stress, rising inflation and post-pandemic adjustment. Given we also know that people may not be comfortable seeking help externally as individuals, family assumes a particularly important role. Opening up and addressing these challenges as a family unit first instead of individually, can make a difference as people may feel more comfortable,” added Joanna Chu, Group Head of Product Proposition, FWD Group.

Overall key findings of the survey include:

  1. Mental health issues will become more prominent around the world, yet stigma remains:

o        65% of people in Asia believe mental health will be one of the most critical issues in the coming year

o        74% of people said they had experienced (16%) or known someone close (28%) and distant (30%) to them who had suffered from mental health challenges

o        People in Asia place a higher value on self-help rather than seeking outside assistance, only 34% prefer discussing issues openly with others

o        31% of people in Asia believe renaming “mental health” can help people to open up

  1. Inflation and the future of children/family are top concerns leading to mental health challenges today

o        Concerns around inflation (47%) cause more mental health challenges than post-pandemic adjustment (30%)

o        People in Asia worry about their jobs (31%) and family-related concerns, including the future of children/family (34%) and increasing family responsibilities (32%)

  1. People in Asia are interested in insurance options for mental health

o        76% of people want to explore insurance to assist them in dealing with mental health challenges

o        The cost of treatment is one of the most significant barriers to receiving mental health care in Asia; 40% of people in Asia say the cost of treatment is the biggest impediment to seeking outside help.

– Ends –

About FWD Group

FWD Group is a pan-Asian life insurance business with approximately 10 million customers across 10 markets, including some of the fastest growing insurance markets in the world. Established in 2013, FWD is focused on making the insurance journey simpler, faster and smoother, with innovative propositions and easy-to-understand products, supported by digital technology. Through this customer-led approach, FWD is committed to changing the way people feel about insurance.

For more information, please visit www.fwd.com

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AsiaFitnessToday.com Mental health recognised as a critical concern by people in Asia, yet are unlikely to seek external support is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Source: https://www.asiafitnesstoday.com/?p=13105

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Anggun, Afgan, David Foster, Michael Bolton, Cosentino among stars perform live at virtual extravaganza concert

Update: Follow this link to view the concert replay on Facebook.

Message from AXN via their Facebook: Thank you for your support for AXN All-Stars. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our YouTube has not been approved on time by some of the music rights owners and the show will not be able to premiere on AXN Asia’s YouTube tonight. Please check back with us tomorrow on our progress in making AXN All-Stars available to you on YouTube.AXN respects the intellectual property rights of all creative work and rest assured the AXN team is working hard to have this approved by the remaining rights owners. In the meantime, let’s continue to enjoy the show on Facebook.

31 October 2020

Lock in this date, 28th November 2020 for an exclusive virtual extravaganza concert with 19 artists from nine international locations performing to a global audience! World class illusionist, Cosentino from Australia, acclaimed magician Cyril Takayama, American singer/song writer Michael Bolton and Spice Girl Mel C, Asia’s Got Talent judges French-Indonesian singer Anggun and Canadian musician David Foster, Taiwanese hip-hop dance group Maniac Family, Japanese comic duo Yumbo Dump and top Indonesian artist Afgan who has been actively fundraising to provide PPE equipment for hospitals as both his parents are medical professionals.

Team AFT attended a Zoom Press Conference hosted by Allan Wu of AXN All-Stars, George Chien of KC Global Media Asia, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the Republic of Indonesia – Wishnutama Kusubandio with celebrities Anggun, Afgan, Cosentino, David Foster and Cyril Takayama.

This extravaganza will be streamed on via YouTube and Facebook, and is presented by television network AXN All-Stars together with Wonderful Indonesia and InDOnesia CARES – an initiative by The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in support of Indonesia’s effort in implementing the cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability protocols across the tourism industry as mandatory precautions. The website shares a comprehensive list of tourism hotspots that have opened up.

A tribute to front line workers, it was curated to collectively lift spirits in the greatest celebration of hope.

“As a brand that thrives on creativity and innovation, we’re proud to partner with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia to create AXN All-Stars, a digital showcase that re-
imagines the entertainment experience amid our current climate,” said George Chien, President & CEO, KC Global Media Asia.

“Our current surroundings might be encircled with restrictions, but the desire to impact and reach communities with the power of entertainment remains intact. It is more pertinent now than ever, to leverage this and keep the spirit of togetherness alive. We want to bring communities together while cultivating a spirit of resilience and hope amid a bleak situation,” said Wishnutama Kusubandio, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia.

AXN All-Stars will stream live for free on Saturday 28 November at 11pm (AEDT) on AXN Asia’s YouTube and Facebook.

A Solution for Stress

In the wake of World Mental Health Day, on 10 October 2019, the global event will have many of us reflecting on the status of our own emotional wellbeing. As our lives become increasingly hectic, and the pressures of modern life often seem overwhelming, it’s no surprise that the levels of stress, anxiety and depression are skyrocketing. In fact, mixed anxiety and depression is now the most common mental disorder in Britain* and the World Health Organization (WHO) has cited that “if we don’t act urgently, by 2030 depression will be the leading illness globally.” 

Whilst counseling, CBT, talking therapies and of course drug interventions play an important role in helping to alleviate anxiety and depression, often these treatments simply tackle or control the symptoms of poor mental health. For many, treating the cause of these conditions is vital and that’s where the ancient practice of Ayurveda could provide a helping hand in restoring your wellbeing. 

CGH Earth Wellness, the brand behind a collection of leading luxury Ayurvedic hospitals in beautiful Kerala, India believes that the curative approach of Ayurveda could offer a solution when it comes to tackling the cause of modern-day stressors that significantly impact our mental health. 

There are three body constitution within the Ayurvedic Principles: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

In the Ayurvedic principles, the body constitution or bio-energies are classified as below, the disturbance in these results in peculiar symptoms. Poor mental wellbeing comes in three forms depending on the underlying cause of an imbalance in one or more bio-energies, therefore the treatment course is unique to each individual: 

  • Vata – stemming from the colon, vata-type is categorized by feelings of fear, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia 
  • Pitta – arising from the intestine, pitta-type is more dangerous and is associated with feelings of anger, fear of failure or losing control. This format is also vulnerable to seasonal-affective disorder 
  • Kapha – coming from the stomach and associated with a feeling of heaviness, drowsiness, weight gain and a general sluggishness. 

In all three cases, these enter the general circulation and lodge in the nervous system, interfering with its functioning. 

To counterbalance this impaired function, CGH Earth Wellness recommend Manashanthi Chikitsa – a treatment that literally means mental peace and seeks to tackle stress management with a view to relieve the ill-effects that come from the burden of mental strain, insomnia, lack of concentration, fatigue, and headaches. 

The treatment course for Manashanti chikitsa follows the 3 stages: Poorvakarmapreparatory phase, Shodana – cleansing or eliminating phase and finally, Samana which is the corrective and rejuvenation phase. 

  1. Poorvakarma 

During the first stage, the body is prepared for removing toxins through Snehanam (internal and external oleation), followed by Swedanam (therapeutic sweating)

2. Shodana 

Once the body is prepared, the doctor will determine the cleansing or panchakrma treatment based on each individual’s body constitution and the root cause of their medical condition. These two stages of treatment will ensure that the imbalances in the doshas (body constitution) are stabilized

3. Samana 

The third and final stage of treatment where the body is slowly brought out of the intense cleansing and elimination stage by giving corrective medicines and moderate therapeutic treatments, appropriate diet and yoga asanas to correct and rejuvenate the body 

Every treatment at CGH Earth Wellness is personalized

Every treatment at CGH Earth is adapted and personalized to adopt a holistic healing approach tailored to each individual. According to Ayurvedic principles, treating conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression requires intervention that considers the crucial totality of our overall well- being. 

Across its various retreats, CGH Earth offers the peace and quiet you need to reset your mental wellbeing and thrive, whether you choose to revitalize your health in Kerala, the home of Ayurveda, within the stunning 200-year-old palace setting of Kalari Kovilakom, alongside the gentle caress of the Paravur backwaters at Kalari Rasayana or beside the beach waves at SwaSwara’s villas in Gokarna, near Goa. No matter which destination you choose, you can enjoy uninterrupted rest in the abode that resonates best with your inner voice.