have your back. I really do. I sift through all the nonsense out there so you don’t go down the wrong path, waste your valuable time, and/or become injured.
Today is no exception. I will address the issue of vibration exercise as it pertains to body fat reduction. I consider this one of the biggest wastes of time in my relatively long-life, but you need to know the truth so YOU don’t waste your time with this bunk.
It has been proposed that vibration exercise (VbX), which evokes muscular work and elevates metabolic rate, could be a potential method for weight reduction. It has been marketed as an exercise modality that requires little time and physical exertion while providing the benefits of increased force, power, balance, flexibility, and weight loss, thus the appeal to people seeking simple exercise. The popular press has purported that VbX is quick, convenient, and ten minutes of VbX is equivalent to one hour of traditional exercise and a new weight-loss and body toning workout.
Here we go again: another step in the wrong direction in our quick-fix, take-the-path-of-least- resistance, and swallow-a-magic-pill society.
Studies have shown that muscle activation was elicited but the energy demand in response to VbX was quite low. Exhaustive VbX was reported to produce a metabolic demand of 23 ml/kg/min compared to 44 ml/kg/min from an exhaustive cycle test. Different vibration frequencies were tested with varying amplitudes and loads, but only small increases in metabolic rate were reported.
Based on their findings, they concluded it was indirectly calculated that a VbX session of 26Hz for 3 continuous minutes would only incur a loss of ~10.7g fat/hr. Following a 24-week program of VbX, no observed differences were found in body composition and following 12 months of VbX the time to reach peak O2 was significantly higher in conventional exercise compared to VbX.
One study showed the percentage of body fat decreased by 3.2% after eight months after VbX in comparison to resistance and control groups that performed no aerobic conditioning.
Only one study reported that VbX was able to burn extra calories, but could not reduce overall body fat and another reported vibration was not a suitable option to reduce body weight, as the metabolic cost of a ‘standard’ vibration session is equivalent to burning only 10g/hr.
It is equivocal whether the increase in energy turnover can be accounted for by an increase in muscle activation caused by neural potentiation, which has been based on spinal reflexes.However, to date, no direct measures of muscle have been made to verify that VbX acts solely through a reflex potentiation causing a change in muscle length that increases oxygen uptake.
Cardinale and Bosco suggested that vibration causes small and rapid changes in muscle length by eliciting reflex muscle activity in an attempt to damp the mechanical vibration, where various researchers have speculated the muscle activation is similar to that of the tonic vibration reflex.
The research study compilation concluded the evidence clearly suggests that VbX can increase whole and local oxygen uptake; however, with additional load, high vibration frequency and/or amplitude it cannot match the demands of conventional aerobic exercise. Therefore, it is questionable when a VbX program is solely used for the purpose of reducing body fat without considering dietary and aerobic conditioning guidelines.
Enough already. Let’s cut to the bottom line.
Attempting to shed body fat by relying solely on a device that vibrates and shakes your arms, torso, tush and wheels is beyond lame. It has been know for the longest time that to reduce body fat stores – particularly the hard-to-get-at adipose storage sites – a negative calorie balance (fewer calories going in/greater energy expenditure going out) must occur. The only practical way to do this is by monitoring your food consumption and performing high energy-demand exercise, which vibration exercise is not.
Shake fat away? How about this better advice:
Determine your daily calorie needs based on your activity level. Here is a fairly accurate daily calorie calculator.
Make sure your total daily calorie intake does not surpass your needs. Create a calorie deficit!
Take the time-proven approach of five to six feedings/day, fresh vegetables & fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, protein at each feeding, and plenty of water.
Exercise sensibly. Include a strength training routine (you need muscle – it is metabolically active!), high-intensity intervals, circuits, 15 minutes all-out on the Versa-Climber, or anything that is demanding (walking at 3.5 miles/hour for 45 minutes on a treadmill does not count).
Shake this: it takes disciplined eating and sensible exercise to tap into adipose fat stores, not an expensive vibrating device.
Sepatu atau sandal adalah aksesoris yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tapi tak ada salahnya untuk melepaskan aksesoris itu, karena ada manfaat kesehatan yang didapat dari berjalan dengan telanjang kaki.
Umumnya sepatu dan sandal yang digunakan secara terus menerus bisa mempengaruhi bentuk kaki manusia atau menimbulkan cedera. Karena itu cobalah untuk sesekali berjalan dengan menggunakan telanjang kaki.
Dalam filsafat kuno diketahui bahwa jumlah energi kekuatan hidup (chi) yang diserap oleh tubuh akan lebih banyak jika berjalan tanpa alas kaki. Secara tidak sadar kondisi ini akan meningkatkan vitalitas, kemampuan tubuh untuk melakukan banyak kerjaan, menyehatkan sistem pernapasan dan berpikir dengan jelas.
Berikut ini beberapa keuntungan atau manfaat kesehatan yang bisa dilakukan dengan berjalan tanpa menggunakan alas kaki, seperti dikutip dari Lifemojo, Sabtu (13/8/2011) yaitu:
Pada musim panas, berjalan tanpa alas kaki bisa menjadi efek pendinginan bagi tubuh jika dilakuakn di atas rumput hijau saat pagi hari.
Berjalan tanpa alas kaki bisa meningkatkan fungsi sirkulasi karena mengaktifkan ootot-otot di kaki yang nantinya membantu memompa darah kembali ke jantung.
Mencegah terjadinya pengumpulan darah di kaki, mengurangi stres pada sistem kardiovaskular secara menyeluruh dan mengurangi tekanan darah serta masalah pada pembuluh darah vena.
Berjalan tanpa alas kaki memberikan efek relaksasi pada kaki yang lelah.
Membantu meluruskan jari-jari kaki, mencegah perubahan bentuk kaki (deformitas), mencegah masalah pada kaki datar serta meningkatkan kekuatan fleksor.
Memberikan kesempatan untuk membangun kontak langsung dengan alam sehingga menghilangkan ketegangan pikiran akibat tekanan sehari-hari, tubuh menjadi rileks, meremajakan pikiran serta meningkatkan energi tubuh.
Meski memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan, tapi masyarakat sebaiknya melakukan kegiatan ini dengan cermat dan hati-hati agar tetap aman dan tidak menimbulkan masalah atau cedera.
Ada beberapa tips agar bisa dilakukan jika ingin berjalan kaki tanpa menggunakan alas dengan aman yaitu:
Selalu waspada mengenai jalan yang akan dilewati
Hindari jalan-jalan yang berpotensi bahaya seperti banyak percabangan pohon, ada pecahan kaca, paku atau berisiko terdapat limbah industri
Saat pulang, maka segera cuci kaki dengan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir untuk membersihkan kaki dari kotoran yang menempel serta memastikan bahwa tidak ada serangga yang masih menempel di kulit.
(CNN) — Terry Chiplin didn’t need a Harvard study to tell him what he’s known for years.
“Barefoot running, for me, is a lot less painful than wearing running shoes,” said the 55-year-old Brit, who competed in high school in thin-soled leather shoes and would run shoeless whenever he could.
After taking a break in early adulthood from the sport, Chiplin returned to it by buying a fancy pair of running shoes.
“I’d come home with blisters, my feet killing me,” he said. “So one day, I just said to myself, ‘Who cares what anybody thinks? I’m putting sole to earth.’ ”
Chiplin now teaches running and outdoor fitness in Estes Park, Colorado, and does it shoeless as often as possible.
He’s among many runners on blogs and list-servs who’ve been debating new studies about the most efficient running form. Should you go barefoot? Land heel-first or on the balls of your feet? Are those fancy shoes hurting more than helping you?
The study stirring the most buzz was led by Harvard evolutionary biologist Dr. Daniel Lieberman.
It’s the first to compare how much impact the body takes when a runner is wearing shoes or is barefoot. Using high-speed video, the study revealed barefoot runners strike with their forefoot and suffer less jarring to their bodies. When you’re barefoot, you’re going to land with the portion of your foot that is most springy. And think of the barefoot run as a game of hot potato — if you know you have rocks and glass on that surface, you’re going to move more carefully and pick your feet up quicker.
Shoe wearers strike with their heel and deliver a shock to their overall body that is two to three times their body weight. Lieberman’s test subjects were Kenyan runners who had spent their lives running barefoot and the Harvard track team, which runs in shoes.
“Runners are responding because they are always interested in the latest science of their sport, and they have a personal reaction to being told that their shoes are going to be taken away,” said D. Leif Rustvold, a Portland, Oregon, runner with a masters in anthropological biology who works for a health care provider.
Though he switched to barefooting a few years ago and saw an improvement in his efficiency, he predicts barefooting will remain a practice of a minority.
Runners are concerned first about injuries, and barefoot running can seem, at first, like it’s going to lead to injury,” he said. “Besides, we’ve been wearing shoes for years. No one is going to roll that back.”
The other study, focusing on walking form, comes from University of Utah biology professor David Carrier.
Carrier is well-known among distance runners for trying to run down a herd of antelope a few years ago to prove that humans were built to run great distances, their survival dependent on their ability to persistence hunt.
He found that while humans have evolved to run great distances, we’ve also evolved to become more efficient walkers than our ape ancestors by doing the very thing Lieberman’s study warns against — landing heel first. His test subjects were volunteers who were triathletes, runners and soccer players.
Most mammals — dogs, cats, raccoons — walk and run around on the balls of their feet, the study says. Few species land on their heel: bears, humans and great apes — chimps, gorillas, orangutans.
“Our study shows that the heel-down posture increases the economy of walking but not the economy of running,” says Carrier. “You consume more energy when you walk on the balls of your feet or your toes than when you walk heels first.”
So, run on your forefeet and walk on your heels?
“It can be complicated, but I don’t think what Lieberman concluded and what our study found conflicts at all with each other,” Carrier told CNN. “If anything it shows how complex our feet are, and how much we’re learning about the mechanics of movement.”
Lieberman said his study is not meant to be an argument for barefoot running.
“I’m afraid people have misunderstood me,” he said. “I’m not in the business of telling people what to do, what shoes to wear or whether to wear shoes at all.”
Amanda Musacchio, 35, of Wheaton, Illinois, is a member of one of the biggest running list-servs in the country. She and many other runners have interpreted the story as a round-about way to cheer barefoot running.
Musacchio wore thin-soled shoes when she was a sprinter in high school without injury. But when she started running longer distances in adulthood, she thought wearing a heavy-cushioned shoe would help. Instead, she racked up injuries. So she went bare again.
“I started barefoot running five minutes at a time,” she said. “I feel almost as good now as when I did 20 years ago when I was a sprinter. My feet seem to remember how to land properly, on my forefoot, and that improved form has changed my running tremendously.”
Among the skeptics is self-described “proud shoe wearer” runner Spurgeon Hendrick, who regularly hits the trails outside Atlanta, Georgia, for long runs.
He points out that Lieberman’s study was partly sponsored by Vibram USA, information that is clearly disclosed on every page. The company makes Vibram 5 Fingers, a thin latex shoe with individual toes that mimics barefoot running. The shoe has sold like hot cakes this past year after they and Lieberman’s work were featured in the 2009 best-selling book “Born to Run.”
“I couldn’t run barefooted, or in Vibrams, even if I wanted to,” Hendrick said. “I stub my toes on roots and rocks too much, and at my age, I don’t have time to wait on a broken toe to heal.”
Lieberman is adamant that Vibram sponsorship had nothing to do with the outcome of the study, which was also funded by the American School of Prehistoric Research, the Goelet Fund and Harvard University.
But many runners are saying that apart from the nitpicking about whether the studies are on the money is one basic lesson: Be more aware of your unique movement.
“I think it’s very hard, if not impossible, to change body mechanics,” said Dr. Perry Julien, a podiatrist who has treated Olympic runners and serves as the co-medical director of the world’s biggest 10K, the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race. “And people who try, or try too quickly and without care, are going to wind up in my office.”
If you’re a walker, being more conscious of how your feet hit the ground may make you more efficient. If you’re a 200-pound guy who hits the treadmill a couple times a week, barefoot running might not be worth the work necessary to build up the calf and Achilles strength to prevent injury, he said.
Stress fractures, tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, a hard-to-heal tissue inflammation that feels like needles driven into your foot, are likely to result for runners who dash out the gate barefoot without gradually working up to it.
The podiatrist pointed out that there are many examples of people who heel strike without problems, most famously Joan Benoit.
Benoit won the first women’s Olympics marathon in 1984, the same era of the record-breaking South African Zola Budd, who ran barefoot.
Do your days fly by? Is it difficult to make time for a trip to the gym?
You’re in the right place.
These are the 50 best resources for free online workouts that make is easy for you to exercise at home. Whether you have just a few minutes for a quick core workout, or if you’d like to join a month-long daily yoga challenge, there is something in here for you.
There are a LOT of exercise videos online, especially on Youtube, but the ones that made this list are the very best when it comes to teaching you how to exercise at home. These workouts require little to no equipment and are taught by excellent fitness instructors who know their stuff.
So take a look through this amazing list and find the perfect fitness instructor who can help you get a great workout done at home.
Use These 50 Free Workout Resources To Exercise At Home
Daniel and Kelli are the husband and wife team behind Fitness Blender, a site that offers a huge selection of full-length video workouts of all different types. Here you will find fat-burning workouts, kickboxing routines, total body strength training, workouts for boosting metabolism, stretching sequences, and more.
This resource offers wonderful online fitness classes that everybody can easily do at home. Sweaty Betty provides yoga workouts, HIIT routines, and many other types for you to try. No matter whether you have experience doing fitness classes or are a complete beginner, Sweaty Betty has something that will get you working at an appropriate level.
Do you want to do bodyweight workouts at home? Craig Ballentyne of Turbulence Training provides a wonderful collection of no-equipment bodyweight workouts designed to help you burn fat and get lean. These instructional videos are mostly short ones (i.e. under 10 minutes) and can be used to create your own home workouts.
Jessica Smith TV shares a unique collection of videos with 7 minute, 10 minute and 30 minute workouts. She offers a really great variety of workout styles – Some focus on fat burning, others on cardio conditioning, workouts for beginners, kickboxing workouts and more. Jessica is an energetic instructor that will motivate you to join her.
Do Yoga with Me is one of my personal favourites. Many of their classes are filmed outdoors in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. The level of instruction is top-notch and there are videos that focus on pretty much every part of the body (e.g. hips, hamstrings, back, etc.), so you can target the area that you need to work on most.
I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t mention my own workouts that are available here at Make Your Body Work. Every single workout will challenge your entire body and will include elements of cardio, strength, and core conditioning. The uniqueness of these workouts are the “difficulty levels” that provide up to 4 distinct options for every single move. This makes each workout very accessible for newbies, yet challenging for super-fit users.
Karena and Katrina lead the workouts at Tone it Up. Their routines are aimed at helping you shed excess weight and transform your body through simple strengthening exercises. Their website provides specific workouts for arms, legs, abs, cardio, etc. and have attracted followers from around the world.
Adriene Mishler is a yogi with purpose. She wants to use her instructional classes to help people live life better. As she puts it, “Yoga offers up a way for us to see a world that is working for you instead of against you.” Try the following class when you’re feeling in a bad mood. (I tried it…and felt better afterwards!)
Spark People shares short videos for all different types of workouts. There are several categories – Abs, Cardio, Yoga and Pilates, as well as others that diver into healthy cooking and eating ideas. These workouts are great when you are pinched for time. Choose a 10-12 minute routine and squeeze in some activity where you normally would have skipped it altogether.
Enjoy doing yoga workouts with your favourite trainers such as Jillian Michaels, Jane Fonda, Billy Blanks Jr., Tara Stiles and many others. This channel might offer the best variety of any out there – It even includes meditations with Deepak Chopra (maybe a good way to relax AFTER your workout!)
Livestrong Woman is a video channel featuring professional fitness instructor, Natalie Jill. In addition to Natalie’s resistance training instructional videos, you will also find great yoga beginners videos taught by Tara Stiles. As an extra bonus, this channel also includes some great videos that discus healthy eating tips and recipes.
Diet Health is YouTube channel that shares great workout videos and simple health tips that can help you change your lifestyle and improve your overall health. Their workouts are mostly quick ones (under 10 minutes) and are led by experienced personal trainers.
Natalie Jill is a very popular fitness trainer who you will see guest starring on some of the other sites and channels found in this list. Her best videos can be found on her personal fitness blog which shares workouts for weight loss, exercise ball routines, jump rope workouts, booty belt workouts, body weight exercises and more. Natalie also shares great healthy recipes and useful nutrition tips on her site.
Yoga Journal is a wonderful YouTube channel worth following if you want to do yoga at home. Highly experienced yoga teachers will show you how to do poses for the most relaxation, flexibility, and strength benefits. These short videos can be done whenever you have a few minutes to spare during your day.
CafeMom Studios is a very popular YouTube channel that helps moms build their body back after pregnancy and childbirth. CafeMom Studios offers postnatal workout videos for cardio, pain-reduction, circuit training, and yoga exercises for strength and flexibility.
Anyone looking for yoga, Pilates, and gentle muscle strengthening workouts will love eFit30. These full-length (i.e. 20-40 minute) classes are perfect for days when you want to be active but don’t feel like making the trip to your gym.
Sarah is a well-known health and fitness blogger has made “enabling your passion for healthy living” her mission. She shares a lot of quick and simple core workouts, cardio routines, flexibility workouts, and more on her blog. Sarah is fun, energetic, and really likeable, which makes following along with her workouts quite easy.
Cassey Ho is is the energetic fitness instructor behind Blogilates. She shares a lot of videos with quick and fun bodyweight workouts that you can do at home in just a few minutes. Her workouts are themed for different objectives such as the “Swimsuit Slim-Down” series that you can see below.
Bodyrock.tv is one of the forerunners in online fitness. This popular health and exercise blog is dedicated to weight loss, fitness, beauty, food, love and relationships. “Bodyrockers” find daily workouts that are either laid out with descriptions and pictures, or that are instructed in video format. All of the workouts can be done at home with minimal equipment.
GymRa offers a excellent range of video workouts that are divided into different categories – 5 to 15 minutes workouts for beginners, abs workouts, dumbbell workouts, no-equipment workouts, total body routines and yoga sessions. There is really something for everyone at Gymra.
Shilpa Shetty Kundra is happy to share her yoga expertise on the Good Health 24by7 YouTube channel. Enjoy doing full-length yoga asanas, or simply learn proper form and technique from her quick tutorial videos.
Workouts provided on the Live Strong YouTube video channel will definitely help you improve your strength, flexibility and fitness. Celebrity trainer, Nicky Holender instructs most of the workouts you’ll find here. He knows his stuff and tailors these workouts for busy people who want a quick exercise fix.
Caroline Jordan Fitness is a great choice for quick core, flexibility, strength, and yoga videos. Caroline’s demonstrations are excellent and her instructions of each more are very clear. This is a good place to learn the basics of some foundational workout moves.
Rebekah Borucki provides people with an amazing collection of short workouts for weight loss and toning. Her focus really is on time-saving exercise, so she employs lots of interval training and HIIT series to make your workouts as efficient as possible.
Steady Health has a large collection of workout videos that include specific routines for pregnant women, office workers, those who are rehabilitating after injury, and for people who just need a little relaxation.
Pop Sugar is a popular fitness and beauty blog that offers just about anything you could want in a health blog. On the website you will find lots of workouts broken down with great written instructions and pictures. On the Pop Sugar Fitness Youtube channel you can enjoy a great range of quick workouts led by some fitness industry superstars.
Enjoy doing easy step aerobics and fitness cardio workouts led by super-stepper, Jenny Ford. Jenny does a great job of making step classes doable for beginners (like me) who might not be the most co-ordinated! You can certainly tell she loves what she does – Check out one of her free video classes.
Amanda Russell is a former Olympic-hopeful runner who suffered a career-ending injury before she got to compete at the world’s biggest stage. Now she has devoted her career to helping others safely stay in shape with workouts that can be done at home.
Tara Stiles is a yoga guru whose video classes will help you become strong, energized, and more flexible at the same time. Tara’s unique movement system is approachable for anyone. Be sure to try her 7-minute morning yoga routine (below) – it’s fantastic!
This is another excellent Youtube channel that is worth checking out, especially if you are new to yoga. It offers a series of six videos, each just 10 minutes long, which teach introductory yoga poses that most people would find quite approachable.
Lauren Hefez is a personal trainer and Pilates and barre instructor. She has a great fitness blog that includes recipes, product reviews, and of course there are workouts in there too! She does a great job of specifying workouts for target areas like your abs, arms and back, butt and legs, and other combinations.
Sadie Lincoln is an experienced fitness trainer and founder of Barre3. Barre workouts are based on a traditional ballet style of training that uses a bar (of course!). Sadie has taken this foundation and developed a unique training program that perfectly combines yoga, pilates, dance and bodyweight workouts.
Enjoy using Cosmo Body’s videos that include easy-to-follow full-length strength, dance, and cardio workouts. Astrid Swan, celebrity personal trainer, also provides many quickie workouts (10 minutes and less) that give you an express option when you’re crunched for time.
XHIT has put together an impressive library of video workouts that are free to use on their blog or Youtube Channel. Their followers, called “X-hitters”, enjoy the efficiency of their workouts (always under 20 minutes), as well as their exercise-specific instructional videos that teach just one or two moves in greater detail.
Yoga Online is the Youtube channel for Yogasync.tv and it is a great place to find home workouts for new yogis. If you have just started doing yoga, you will find it interesting to watch videos with breathing techniques, and instructions for mastering key yoga poses.
Movee is the place to go if you’re looking for quick, dance-based workouts that will get you sweating. It also provides videos with yoga workouts for beginners, pilates workouts for beginners, perfect leg workouts, easy back exercises, body stretches and amazing healthy raw food recipes.
The Body Project specializes in high-intensity fat-burning workouts that can be done from home. Their workouts have some creative moves that are fun and effective. The low-impact cardio workout found below is a great place to start.
Emily Skye has a Youtube channel complete with dozens of exercise tutorial videos that are mostly 1 minute or less. She has put together some interesting movement combinations that you can assemble into your own full-length home workout.
The eHowFitness YouTube channel provides specific workout ideas and health tips from leading fitness experts and popular celebrity trainers. Videos provided here focus on weight loss, breathing exercises, water workouts, stretching exercises and even workouts for kids. They also have niche exercise videos like this one for expectant mothers.
Leslie of Fightmaster Yoga teaches hatha yoga for beginners, yoga for energy, yoga for reducing stress, meditation yoga, yoga workouts for strength, yoga for office workers…in other words, she offers a BIG selection of yoga classes! She is a knowledgeable instructor and is an excellent communicator, which makes her classes especially easy for beginners to follow.
PsycheTruth is a holistic health channel on Youtube that discusses exercise, weight-loss, massage, pain relief, and many other health-related topics. Included are some amazing yoga sequences including this “10 days of flexibility” series that is worth checking out.
Do You Yoga offers amazing yoga video “challenges” for everybody. Providing a little more structure via their courses (a number of which are completely free), Do You Yoga can help you create a habit of daily yoga!
Sean Vigue is a really inspiring fitness trainer who Pilates, strength, cardio, weight-loss, core training, and yoga workouts on his Youtube channel. He also throws in some “fun” stuff like this 1-minute burpee challenge. (It only takes 1 minute…try it!)
Method Yoga explains their approach best: “Method Yoga offers the student a processes of development and transformation by uniting methodologies of old and new so one begins to experience true liberation, wholeness and actualization which is the definition and purpose of “yoga”. It’s hard to pass on that!
Upside-Down Pilates shares videos that will help you realize the many health benefits of Pilates. These aren’t “let’s get sweaty” types of workout – Instead, they are more suited for improving the way your body moves by training your pelvis, hips, knees, arms and shoulders for proper function.
Brittany, a certified Pilates instructor, created Fine Tune Pilates as a way to help people rediscover their bodies and to learn how they actually move throughout the day. Her gentle classes are a nice workout, without any of the pounding on the joints that come with some high-intensity exercise styles.
Amber Karnes offers “judgment-free” yoga classes that are perfect for beginners and for those with “big bodies” who might not feel comfortable with traditional yoga poses. Amber has used yoga to help her embrace her own body and she is an excellent teacher to help you do the same.
Susan’s Youtube channel has lots of workout instructional videos and tips, but none are better than her 30-Day Ab Challenge. These are quick but challenging core workouts that offer you something different each day for an entire month!
My Free Yoga is pretty much exactly as it sounds – if offers free yoga classes for you to enjoy! It is a little different than other yoga options on this list in that it is really a hub for yoga instructors to post their free yoga class videos. The video library is huge and you can search for classes that focus on your specific problem areas. For example, there is a category for those suffering from hip issues and another for those experiencing back pain.
Coach Joshua Kozak is the trainer behind HASFit, which gets its name because “every Heart and Soul deserves to be Fit!” These workouts are based primarily in bodyweight training, so they are nice for at-home or when travelling. Coach Kozak has prepared some unique workouts such as one specifically for seniors and a series for teenage weight-loss.
“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.(1)”
All kinds of people are saying that the entire lemon should be used with nothing wasted. Not only for the obvious health benefits but also for the amazing taste! How? Simple, take an ORGANIC lemon, wash it and then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. Then sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, or whatever. No holds barred. What you will experience is that whatever you sprinkle it on will take on a taste you may never have experienced before.
Why would I do this? Because the lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself and the peel is the part that is usually wasted. Not only that, but the peel helps to get rid of toxins in the body. But wait, there’s more. Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy. This has not been revealed because there are people out there that want to make a synthetic, toxic version that will bring them huge profits. Shades of Monsanto. The good news is that the taste of lemon is pleasant and does not deliver the horrific effects of chemotherapy. What’s bizarre is that people are closely guarding this fact so as to not jeopardize the income to those that profit from other’s illnesses. Another interesting aspect of the lemon is that it has a remarkable effect on cysts and tumors.
Some say the lemon is a proven remedy against all types of cancer. It doesn’t end there. It has an anti-microbial effect against bacterial infections and fungi; it is effective against internal parasites and worms; it regulates blood pressure, which is too high; it acts as an anti-depressant; it combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information, although not specifically named, is one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. They further say that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that it destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas and that the compounds of the lemon tree were 10,000 times more effective than the product Adriamycin, which is a drug normally used chemotherapeutically in the world to slow the growth of cancer cells.
Even more, this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. The process is simple: buy an ORGANIC lemon, wash it, freeze it, grate it, and put it on everything you eat. It’s not rocket science. Nature has put stuff on the planet to keep the body healthy. The corporations hide this information and create synthetics to treat disease.
The synthetic chemical creates other symptoms from its ingestion requiring another drug to combat these symptoms. And so the cycle continues, which equates to enormous profits coming from an overt intention to keep a body ill and suppressing natural healing foods, minerals and modalities, all withheld by the mainstream media to not jeopardize their advertising dollar income, and payoffs to the politicians to not pass laws that will greatly benefit the people. If we do not take responsibility for ourselves and go against the mainstream grain, we will inevitably remain a “trick” our whole life.
P.S. There are doctors who published studies and experiments in the 1940’s using liquid Vitamin C for the treatment of Cancer, and found that 40-60,000 units of liquid Vitamin C administered intravenously not only cured the big “C”, but also left behind none of the side effects that chemotherapy does. The “frozen lemon” idea works on this same principal. You’re not likely to find too many Oncologists who are practicing the Vitamin C therapy due to two things: 1- the lack of knowledge of the natural world and how it pertains to our health, and, 2- there’s not a lot of income in the use of Lemons or Vitamin C in the treatment of Cancer.Look up Linus Pauling or Gerson Therapy (Dr. Max Gerson and the Gerson Institute, San Diego, CA. His daughter Charlotte has carried on her father’s legacy), and I’m sure you will eventually find what you are looking for. They did a lot of research with vitamin C during their lives.
Often the way you act on your mat is the way you act off your mat. Or the things you struggle with on your mat are the things that, yes indeed, you struggle with off the mat.
So begins the intro for ‘Revolution: 31 Days of Yoga’ on the popular YouTube channel ‘Yoga with Adriene’. The voice and face behind the screen is that of Adriene Mishler. In her yoga videos, the native Texan invites the 2-million-strong yoga community to join the experience and cultivate a healthy relationship with oneself.
‘Experience’ is a key word in Adriene’s vocabulary. Following her varied videos, you feel free to create a yoga practice that’s unique to you. She has a way of forging an authentic presence through the looking glass – like she’s in the room with you.
The theater reference has relevance to Adriene who, as a trained actress, has managed to manifest two dream careers. Her professional theater background is what helps her communicate with confidence and intention to her yoga audience. On the set, she draws from the idea of being on stage, being present, and letting a great story unfold.
“Early on, I was introduced to a discipline called the ‘Actors’ Language’, which covers not only words, but tone of voice, gestures, and movements. Basically, it’s what we now refer to in the wellness world as positive affirmation, or conscious language. In yoga, I am also using my body to have a voice,” she tells, her hands drawing a slow circle as she speaks.
Translated to our everyday lives, conscious language helps us identify the beliefs that are holding us back and reframe them as positive affirmations, something that echoes throughout Adriene’s channel. Indeed, choosing and using words that are supportive of us and others would be a wise approach not only on the yoga mat, but off it, too.
One conscious phrase that pops up repeatedly is the community slogan and Adriene’s mantra, ‘Find What Feels Good’. It sounds like the perfect antidote for today’s high-performance culture – but what does it really mean?
“The mantra, oddly enough, doesn’t focus on the word ‘good’ – it focuses on the word ‘find’,” explains Adriene. “Finding What Feels Good is about you having an individual conversation with yourself on a daily basis. It’s a tool genuinely everyone can use.”
Yoga, as Adriene interprets it, inspires us to listen, especially to our bodies. “The more we delve into that, the more we are able to take a breath in the office, and listen and go, ‘How should I respond instead of justresponding?’”
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Adriene seems like the epitome of calm, so who better to give advice on how to deal with negative emotions in the office and off the mat, in general.
“Whenever I feel anger or resentment creeping in, I check in and ask, ‘Okay, what do I really need today?’ Of course, the answer usually is yoga. But in essence, those negative emotions should be your trigger to pause before you react. We all want to be better communicators. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves.”
The practice and philosophy of yoga in our world right now couldn’t be more relevant. Just like Adriene says through the screen:
“Revolution is for all levels, all bodies, all types, all moods. It changes every day, just like we change every day. It’s asking you to really be present.”
Reebok’s Classic division is getting in on the knitted sneaker business with a new design.
The brand announced today the Zoku Runner, which Reebok calls a “brand new contemporary silhouette” inspired by the brand’s classic styles from the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. According to Reebok, the name “Zoku” translates to “to be continued or to be part of a tribe.” The tagline is represented by culling inspiration from Reebok’s archives and reimagining the brand’s iconic Vector logo.
The Reebok Vector (or crosscheck) logo was created by the brand’s founders in 1980. Its look was inspired by a flock of birds and intended to symbolize momentum and movement. On the Zoku Runner, the logo gets a new design in the form of a molded TPU cage, which wraps the foot. Elsewhere, the shoe is constructed with Reebok’s Ultraknit digital knitting technology for a socklike feel that’s right on trend.
Available for both men and women, the sneakers will launch Thursday from reebok.com and select retailers in seven colorways, including the looks pictured here. The Zoku Runner retails for $115.
Biomekanika adalah disiplin sumber ilmu yang mengintegrasikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi gerakan manusia, yang diambil dari pengetahuan dasar fisika, matematika, kimia, fisiologi, anatomi dan konsep rekayasa untuk menganalisa gaya yang terjadi pada tubuh.
—————————————————————- Dasar Gerak & Gaya Tubuh
Hukum Newton tentang Gerak
Hubungan fundamental pada mekanika klasik tercakup dalam hukum tentang gerak yang dikemukakan oleh Isaac Newton, seorang ilmuwan Inggris. Newton sangat berjasa dalam mempelajari hubungan antara gaya dan gerak.
Hukum 1.
Sebuah benda terus berada pada keadaan awalnya yang diam atau bergerak dengan kecepatan konstan kecuali benda itu dipengaruhi oleh gaya yang tak seimbang, atau gaya luar neto.
Secara sederhana Hukum Newton I mengatakan bahwa perecepatan benda nol jika gaya total (gaya resultan) yang bekerja pada benda sama dengan nol. Secara matematis dapat ditulis.
F neto = 0
Tubuh yang diam akan tetap diam, dan tubuh yang bergerak akan tetap bergerak dalam kecepatan yang konstan, kecuali dipengaruhi oleh gaya yang tidak seimbang.
Jika seseorang berada dalam bus yang berjalan dan tiba-tiba mengerem, mungkin orang tersebut bisa terpelanting dan berkata ”aku terlempar ke depan !”, padahal itu adalah inersia yang menyebabkan ke depan berlanjut walau bus telah berhanti.
Cedera benturan disebabkan kecenderungan kepala manusia untuk mematuhi hukum tersebut. Jika ada gaya sentakan dari belakang, badan akan tersentak keras ke depan karena ia berkontak dengan tempat duduknya. Namun kepala cenderung tidak bergerak dan tersentak dalam posisi yang menjulur (ekstensi). Karena kepala melekat pada badan, maka kepala akan terbentur dengan keras ke depan menyebabkan kerusakan pada vertebra serviks. Cedera dalam tinju atau football yang mengakibatkan kerusakan otak terjadi dalam proses serupa.
Hukum 2.
percepatan sebuah benda (a) berbanding terbalik dengan massanya (m) dan sebanding dengan gaya neto (F) yang bekerja padanya :
F = ma
Bayangkan anda mendorong sebuah benda yang gaya F dilantai yang licin sekali sehingga benda itu bergerak dengan percepatan a. Menurut hasil percobaan, jika gayanya diperbesar 2 kali ternyata percepatannya menjadi. 2 kali lebih besar. Demikian juga jika gaya diperbesar 3 kali percepatannya lebih besar 3 .kali lipat. Dan sini kita simpulkan bahwa percepatan sebanding dengan resultan gaya yang bekerja.
Sekarang kita lakukan percobaan lain. Kali ini massa bendanya divariasi tetapi gayanya dipertahankan tetap sama. Jika massa benda diperbesar 2 kali, ternyata percepatannya menjadi ½ kali. Kita bisa simpulkan bahwa percepatan suatu benda berbanding terbalik dengan massa benda itu.
Massa adalah sifat intrinsik dari sebuah benda yang menyatakan resistensinya terhadap percepatan. Massa sebuah benda dapat dibandingkan dengan massa benda lain dengan menggunakan gaya yang sama pada masing-masing benda dan dengan mengukur percepatannya. Dengan demikian rasio massa benda-benda itu sama dengan kebalikan rasio percepatan benda-benda itu yang dihasilkan oleh gaya yang sama : m = F/m
Massa sebuah benda tidak tergantung pada lokasi benda.
Seorang tenaga medis yang kesulitan memindahkan troli yang berat, mungkin akan meminta bantuan sejawatnya, untuk menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar, sehingga pergerakan troli dari keadaan diam menjadi bergerak (percepatan) yang dihasilkannya lebih besar atau troli lebih mudah dipindahkan.
Hukum 3.
Gaya-gaya selalu terjadi berpasangan. Jika benda A, mengerjakan sebuah gaya pada benda B, gaya yang sama besar dan berlawanan arah dikerjakan oleh benda B pada benda A.
F aksi = F reaksi
F aksi = gaya yang bekerja pada benda
F reaksi = gaya reaksi benda akibat gaya aksi
Saat berjalan, hentakan kaki atau sepatu ke permukaan lantai biasanya mengartikan bahwa orang tersebut menekankan kakinya ke permukaan lantai dengan gaya reaksi bumi yang sama melalui lantai pada kaki tersebut.
Hukum ketiga menyatakan bahwa tidak ada gaya timbul di alam semesta ini, tanpa keberadaan gaya lain yang sama dan berlawanan dengan gaya itu. Jika sebuah gaya bekerja pada sebuah benda (aksi) maka benda itu akan mengerjakan gaya yang sama besar namun berlawanan arah (reaksi). Dengan kata lain gaya selalu muncul berpasangan. Tidak pernah ada gaya yang muncul sendirian!
Jenis-jenis Gaya
1. Gaya Berat
Berat sebuah benda adalah gaya tarikan gravitasi antara benda dan bumi. Gaya ini sebanding dengan massa m benda itu dan medan gravitasi , yang juga sama dengan percepatan gravitasi jatuh bebas :
Berat benda sifat intrinsik benda.
Berat bergantung pada lokasi benda, karena g bergantung pada lokasi. Gaya berat selalu tegak lurus kebawah dimana pun posisi benda diletakkan, apakah dibidang horisontal, vertikal ataupun bidang miring
2. Gaya Normal
Gaya normal adalah gaya yang bekerja pada bidang sentuh antara dua prmukaan yang bersentuhan, dan arahnya selalu tegak lurus bidang sentuh.
3. Gaya Gesek
Bila dua benda dalam keadaan bersentuhan, maka keduanya dapat saling mengerjakan gaya gesekan. Gaya-gaya gesekan itu sejajar dengan permukaan benda-benda di titik persentuhan.
Gaya gesek (friksi) sangat penting dalam kehidupan keseharian terutama tubuh.
[1] Salah satu fungsi yang sangat penting dari kantong perikardial yang menyelubungi jantung adalah untuk menampung cairan perikardial yang menjaga agar membran tetap terpisah dan tidak saling bergesekan akibat friksi yang berasal dari dentuman jantung.
[2] Cairan sinovial mengurangi friksi dengan cara bertindak sebagai pelumas atau penurun friksi antara ujung-ujung tulang yang dilapisi kartilago paa sendi sinovial, mis: sendi lutut.
Gaya-gaya pada Tubuh
Pergerakan pada tubuh terjadi karena adanya gaya yang bekerja. Ada gaya yang bekerja pada tubuh dan gaya yang bekerja di dalam tubuh.
#Gaya pada tubuh >>> dapat kita ketahui ex gaya berat tubuh.
#Gaya dalam tubuh >>> seringkali td disadari ex Gaya otot jantung, gaya otot paru-paru
Gaya pada tubuh ada 2 tipe :
1. Gaya pada tubuh dlm keadaan statis.
2. Gaya pada tubuh dalam keadaan dinamis.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa aspek gaya pada tubuh dalam keadaan statis:
Gaya Berat dan Gaya Otot sebagai Sistem Pengumpil
Tubuh dalam keadaan Statis berarti tubuh dlm keadaan setimbang, jumlah gaya dan momen gaya yang ada sama dengan nol. Tulang dan otot tubuh manusia berfungsi sebagai sistem pengumpil.
Ada 3 kelas sistem pengumpil : a. Klas pertama
Titik tumpuan terletak diantara gaya berat dan otot
Contoh: kepala & leher b. Klas Kedua
Gaya berat diantara titik tumpu dan gaya otot.
contoh: tumit menjinjit c. Klas Ketiga
Gaya otot terletak diantara titik tumpuan dan gaya berat
Contoh: otot lengan
Gaya paling sering diterapkan untuk menstabilkan ekstremitas yang cedera leher, punggung, atau area pelvik. Traksi terapeutik didapat dengan memberikan tarikan pada kepala, tubuh atau anggota gerak menuju sedikitnya dua arah, mis: tarikan traksi dan tarikan traksi lawannya. Gaya traksi – lawan atau gaya keduanya biasanya berasal dari: >> berat tubuh pasien pada saat bertumpu atau berat lain
Penerapan Analisa Gaya dalam Terapan Kesehatan
1. Gaya Berat Tubuh & Posisi Duduk yang menyehatkan Tulang Belakang?
Punggung adalah salah satu organ tubuh yang bekerja nonstop selama 24 jam. Dalam keadaan tidur pun, punggung tetap menjalankan fungsinya untuk menjaga postur tubuh. Punggung tersusun dari 24 buah tulang belakang (vertebrae), dimana masing-masing vertebrae dipisahkan satu sama lain oleh bantalan tulang rawan atau diskus. Seluruh rangkaian tulang belakang ini membentuk tiga buah lengkung alamiah, yang menyerupai huruf S.
Lengkung paling atas adalah segmen servikal (leher), yang dilanjutkan dengan segmen toraks (punggung tengah), dan segmen paling bawah yaitu lumbar (punggung bawah). Lengkung lumbar inilah yang bertugas untuk menopang berat seluruh tubuh dan pergerakan.
Berdasarkan data British Chiropractic Association, sekitar 32% populasi dunia menghabiskan waktu lebih dari 10 jam sehari untuk duduk di depan meja kerja. Separuh dari populasi tenrsebut tidak pernah meninggalkan meja kerja, bahkan saat makan siang. Sementara itu, dua pertiga populasi menambah porsi duduk tegak saat berada di rumah.
”Postur tubuh yang baik akan melindungi dari cedera sewaktu melakukan gerakan karena beban disebarkan merata keseluruh bagian tulang belakang,” ungkap Barbara Dorsch. Postur tubuh yang baik, lanjut dia, akan dicapai jika telinga, bahu, dan pinggul berada dalam satu garis lurus ke bawah.
Duduk dalam posisi tegak 90 derajat, kerap menyebabkan timbulnya pergerakan sendi belakang sehingga posisi tubuh tidak seimbang. Maka itu, posisi duduk santai dengan postur miring 135 derajat adalah posisi terbaik. Dalam posisi ini, tulang belakang akan berada dalam posisi ideal, di mana tulang belakang bagian bawah akan berbentuk seperti huruf S.
Kelebihan dari posisi ini adalah:
Posisi duduk dengan sudut kemiringan 135 derajat akan memperbaiki sirkulasi darah di bagian bawah tubuh, sehingga dapat terhindar dari gangguan varises, selulit, dan penggumpalan darah di kaki serta mengurangi kelelahan di kaki. “Tubuh akan terasa lebih rileks, sehingga mengurangi terjadinya ketegangan otot,” papar Barbara.
Duduk dengan posisi kemiringan 135 derajat juga akan menghasilkan mobilitas yang lebih baik, mudah bergerak di atas kursi, dan lebih mudah untuk naik turun kursi.
2. Traksi dalam Praktik Klinik
Traksi adalah tahanan yang dipakai dengan berat atau alat lain untuk menangani kerusakan atau gangguan pada tulang dan otot. Tujuan dari traksi adalah untuk menangani fraktur, dislokasim atau spasme otot dalam usaha untuk memperbaiki deformitas dan mmpercepat penyembuhan. Ada dua tipe utama dari traksi : traksi skeletal dan traksi kulit, dimana didalamnya terdapat sejumlah penanganan.
Prinsip Traksi adalah menarik tahanan yang diaplikasikan pada bagian tubuh, tungkai, pelvis atau tulang belakang dan menarik tahanan yang diaplikasikan pada arah yang berlawanan yang disebut dengan countertraksi. Tahanan dalam traksi didasari pada hokum ketiga (Footner, 1992 and Dave, 1995). Traksi dapat dicapai melalui tangan sebagai traksi manual, penggunaan talim splint, dan berat sebagaimana pada traksi kulit serta melalui pin, wire, dan tongs yang dimasukkan kedalam tulang sebagai traksi skeletal (Taylor, 1987 and Osmond, 1999).
Traksi dapat dilakukan melalui kulit atau tulang. Kulit hanya mampu menanggung beban traksi sekitar 5 kg pada dewasa. Jika dibutuhkan lebih dari ini maka diperlukan traksi melalui tulang. Traksi tulang sebaiknya dihindari pada anak-anak karena growth plate dapat dengan mudah rusak akibat pin tulang.
Indikasi traksi kulit diantaranya adalah untuk anak-anak yang memerlukan reduksi tertutup, traksi sementara sebelum operasi, traksi yang memerlukan beban 5 kg. Akibat traksi kulit yang kelebihan beban di antaranya adalah nekrosis kulit, obstruksi vaskuler, oedem distal, serta peroneal nerve palsy pada traksi tungkai.
Traksi tulang dilakukan pada dewasa yang memerlukan beban > 5 kg, terdapat kerusakan kulit, atau untuk penggunaan jangka waktu lama. Kontratraksi diperlukan untuk melawan gaya traksi, yaitu misalnya dengan memposisikan tungkai lebih tinggi pada traksi yang dilakukan di tungkai.
Different athletic activities affect different muscle groups. For example, a distance run optimizes the quads, hamstrings and calves; whereas a high intensity workout demands core activation. In addition to muscle groups, another factor amongst athletes is the desire to achieve the best workout, every time, and they look to products to help them gain the advantage.
“Efficiency is always a key factor for our athletes — they want to get the most out of every workout,” explains Helen Boucher, VP of Women’s Training Apparel Product. “Tights are a huge part of any athlete’s uniform and we analyzed every design and fit detail to ensure key parts of the body are compressed for the right sport.”
With that in mind, Nike’s newest Zonal Strength Tights feature compression zones built directly into the base fabric, targeting key muscle groups to reduce muscle vibration for an efficient workout, without restricting mobility.
Nike Zonal Strength Running Tights target thighs and calves to reduce muscle vibration where runners need it most. Flyvent waistband provides breathability and four-way stretch fabric enhances mobility, especially in the hips and knees.
Nafi Thiam, gold-medalist in the heptathlon, in Nike Zonal Strength Training Tights.
Koharu Sugawara, professional dancer, choreographer, in Nike Zonal Strength Training Tights.
Nike Zonal Strength Training Tights provide enhanced support and muscle awareness in the core, glutes, quads and hamstrings. A high-rise waistband provides additional core awareness, which is integral for all training activities, from low impact like yoga to high impact cross training. Flat seams allow for zero distractions.
Nike’s Zonal Strength Tights for both men and women are available in retail and nike.com starting January 12.
The Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite radically redefines speed on the road — ultra-lightweight and ultra-responsive. Its radical look is also the latest example of Nike’s long-term mission to transform the athletic landscape.
Conventional wisdom dictates that distance racing shoes be lightweight and low to the ground. However, this wisdom also concedes some compromise. For example, with limited cushion how can a shoe maximize energy return?
The answers to these questions are critical to the success of Breaking2, Nike’s innovation moonshot to break the two-hour marathon barrier. As Eliud Kipchoge, Lelisa Desisa and Zersenay Tadese push to get the most out of every stride they will do so wearing the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite with Nike ZoomX midsole.
The concept shoe, individually-tuned for each athlete, highlights the product portion of a rigorously researched path to realizing Breaking2’s bold vision and a paradigm shift suggesting that while a “less is more” system has served the past, a “more is more” approach might define the future.
“Form must follow function. We leveraged aerodynamic insights to deliver a radical and iconic aesthetic that screams speed,” says Stefan Guest, Sr. Footwear Design Director, Innovation.
Breaking2 system of performance design inspiration
The disruptive design follows on the composite function of its components. Rather than totally reinvent the wheel, the shoe completely reimagines materials employed in racing footwear for decades but uses each more intelligently, and more purposefully than ever before.
While traditional racing shoes (flats) keep a low profile, the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite’s progressive Nike ZoomX midsole cushioning — remarkably lighter, softer and more responsive than traditional foams — is reflected in a distinctive 21mm forefoot stack height. Designed to give runners more energy return while simultaneously providing cushioning from the road, the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite combines athlete insight with biomechanics analysis and cutting-edge engineering.
Nike ZoomX midsole cushioning is remarkably lighter, softer and more responsive than traditional foams and is designed to maximize speed by delivering greater energy return.
Smooth fitting, lightweight Nike Flyknit upper provides support and containment where needed as well as enabling compliance for the foot in motion.
The internal carbon fiber plate minimizes energy loss at toe off creating a smoother transition and accentuates the sensation of forward motion.
This results in a brand-new tooling system comprised of the ultra-light, ultra-resilient Nike ZoomX midsole and a unidirectional carbon fiber plate, with an athlete-optimized stiffness profile. Finally, the flow of the heel, modeled for ultimate aerodynamics, adds an iconic flare that screams speed, and an athlete-tuned, 1:1 fit Flyknit upper contains the foot.
“NikeZoomX truly enables the innovation of the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite,” says Tony Bignell, VP of Footwear Innovation for Nike, Inc. “The groundbreaking new Nike ZoomX midsole and curved carbon fiber plate work together to provide responsive cushioning and minimized energy loss at toe off.”
In addition to the 21mm forefoot stack height, the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite has a 9mm offset, designed to minimize Achilles strain. This is also reflected in the unique “scooped-shaped” geometry of the carbon fiber plate — visible in the iconic sweep of the midsole coloring. In addition to providing a feeling of forward motion, the carbon fiber plate critically serves to add bending stiffness, tuned to improve stride-by-stride efficiency for the three athletes and minimize energy loss over the course of the race.
“We know stiffer shoes have a big benefit on running economy,” notes Bret Schoolmeester, Senior Director of Global Running Footwear, Fast. “However, too much stiffness can shift the workload from the foot up into the calf, which causes fatigue over distance. For the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite, we developed a very specific geometry to reduce that problem.”
Dr. Geng Luo, Nike Sport Research Lab Senior Researcher, Biomechanics, explains, “The goal of having a plate is to reduce how much energy loss happens when the runner bends at the toe. This curved plate is stiff enough to achieve that and because it has this geometry, it does so without increasing demand on the calf.”
The Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite featuring Nike ZoomX Midsoleanchors a system of performance fashioned to help Kipchoge, Desisa and Tadese challenge the 2-hour marathon barrier later this year in Monza.
The runner’s Breaking2 apparel completely rethinks the comfort, fit and weight of traditional marathon kit. It begins with the singlet, made with a Seamless Transfer Knit, allowing for enhanced ventilation where it is most needed. The approach also allows for a completely tailored fit — each athlete’s body scan data and personal preference accounted for. Similarly, the Short Tight — which deviates from the standard short — delivers individualized length and compression level. Additionally, the Short Tight leverages Nike Aeroblade texture to help reduce drag. Arm Sleeves help athletes combat cooler temperatures, while Nike Aeroblade tape helps reduce drag where most critical — the lower legs. Finally, the sock has been engineered to work with footwear to deliver more ventilation where needed and provide a higher level of arch support.
Beyond, the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite’s unique construction and game-changing midsole inform the future of Nike Zoom Running — a duo of racing shoes (the Nike Zoom Vaporfly 4% and Nike Zoom Fly) and the all-new Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 34.