Anda termasuk orang yang kesehariannya bekerja dengan duduk di depan komputer? Hati-hati, duduk terlalu lama dapat mengakibatkan rasa kaku dan nyeri otot pada bagian seperti leher dan punggung. Jika berlangsung terlalu lama, akan mengganggu kesehatan Anda. Ada baiknya jika anda beristirahat sejenak untuk melakukan olahraga ringan yang rutin seperti stretching untuk mengurangi resiko kaku dan nyeri otot tersebut.
Bingung bagaimana memulainya? Anda dapat mencoba langkah-langkah berikut untuk melakukan olahraga ringan tersebut.
1. Warm Up
Sebelum melakukan stretching, ada baiknya jika Anda mulai dengan melakukan pemanasan terlebih dahulu.
Caranya mudah, Anda hanya perlu duduk di kursi sembari meregangkan jemari-jemari Anda. Buatlah gerakan melingkar pada pergelangan tangan dan kaki Anda, kemudian lanjutkan dengan peregangan leher dengan menariknya ke arah dada anda.
2. Side Neck Stretches
Fungsi dari latihan ini adalah untuk meregangkan otot leher supaya tidak kaku dan nyeri. Anda hanya perlu duduk tegak pada kursi, kemudian memiringkan leher anda ke kiri atau ke kanan dengan perlahan dan tahan selama kira-kira 10 detik. Gerakan ini dapat anda ulang beberapa kali.
3. Shoulder Shrug
Bahu dan pundak merupakan bagian tubuh yang sering terasa kaku dan nyeri, terutama Anda yang pekerjaannya menuntut untuk terus-menerus duduk di depan komputer. Selain bahu dan pundak, gerakan ini juga bermanfaat bagi bagian leher.
Yang anda perlu lakukan adalah duduk tegak lalu angkat bahu Anda ke atas hingga mendekati telinga, kemudian tahan sekitar 3-5 detik, dan turunkan kembali ke posisi normal. Gerakan ini dapat diulang 2-3 kali, atau lebih dari 3 kali jika Anda sering merasa pegal di bagian bahu atau pundak.
4. Backside Stretch
Gerakan ini dapat mengurangi rasa pegal dan kaku untuk daerah bahu, punggung, serta leher akibat terlalu lama duduk di kursi.
Lakukan gerakan ini dengan duduk tegak sembari mengangkat kedua tangan dengan telapak tangan saling terkait lurus ke arah atas, kemudian miringkan ke kiri atau kanan secara perlahan. Frekuensi gerakan ini dapat dilakukan berkali-kali, terlebih jika Anda sering merasakan pegal atau kaku di punggung.
5. Middle Back Stretch
Latihan ini berfungsi untuk meregangkan bagian lengan serta bahu.
Sambil duduk tegak di kursi, pegang siku kiri dengan tangan kanan dan gerakkan lalu dorong perlahan siku ke arah pundak kanan. Tahan selama 5 detik, lalu ulangi untuk siku sebelah kanan. Gerakan ini juga dapat Anda ulangi beberapa kali.
6. Back and Leg Curl
Peregangan otot lutut dan paha juga penting untuk dilakukan terutama Anda yang kesehariannya dihabiskan dengan duduk di kursi. Lakukan gerakan ini saat duduk di kursi, pegang kaki kanan di bagian depan betis lalu angkat perlahan sambil ditekuk dari permukaan lantai dan tahan beberapa detik. Ulangi juga untuk kaki kiri Anda.
7. Leg Lift
Gerakan ini berguna untuk meregangkan bagian otot paha dan betis anda.
Anda perlu duduk tegak di kursi Anda, sembari perlahan-lahan mengangkat sebelah kaki Anda sembari memastikan posisi kaki anda lurus ke depan. Ulangi juga untuk kaki yang sebelahnya lagi.
8. Chair Sit to Stand
Gerakan ini tergolong gerakan yang paling mudah dari latihan-latihan di atas. Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah berdiri dari kursi lalu duduk tegak kembali sambil mengulang-ulang gerakan ini beberapa kali. Gerakan ini berfungsi untuk meregangkan otot kaki secara keseluruhan dan melatih keseimbangan tubuh Anda.
Tidak sulit untuk melakukan olahraga ringan di atas selama Anda berada di kantor, bukan? Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan uang atau waktu demi fitness, olahraga ringan ini juga dapat Anda lakukan sembari bekerja.
Sebagai alternatif lain, Anda juga dapat membawa alat olahraga Anda sendiri seperti dumbbell untuk melakukan gerakan menekukkan lengan sembari menggenggam dumbbell tersebut, atau mungkin mengganti kursi anda menjadi Fitness Ball. Bola sebagai pengganti kursi ini akan membuat anda melakukan usaha ekstra untuk bisa duduk dengan nyaman sembari bekerja di depan komputer, sehingga mau tidak mau Anda akan tetap bergerak sehingga tidak mudah merasa kaku atau nyeri otot.
Orthosiphon stamineus or Misai Kucing (Malay for “Cat’s Whiskers”) is a traditional herb that is widely grown in tropical areas. The two general species, Orthosiphon stamineus “purple” and Orthosiphon stamineus “white” are traditionally used to treat diabetes, kidney and urinary disorders, high blood pressure and bone or muscular pain.
Also known as Java tea, it was possibly introduced to the west in early 20th century. Misai Kucing is popularly consumed as a herbal tea. The brewing of Java tea is similar to that for other teas. It is soaked in hot boiling water for about three minutes, before being added with honey or milk. It can be easily prepared as garden tea from the dried leaves. There are quite a number of commercial products derived from Misai Kucing.
A group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia here succeeded in producing standardised “Misai Kucing” (Orthosiphon Stamineus) herbal extract for the treatment of cancer.
The group from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and headed by lecturer Dr Amin Malik Shah Abdul Majid, found that Misai Kuching (literally meaning, Cat’s Whiskers), has high anti-oxidant content that could prevent and control the growth of cancer cells.
Dr Amin said the Misai Kucing extract named “Canssufive” was tested on animals and found to retard blood vessel development, thus preventing the cancel cells from spreading to tissues and other organs.
“At this point, our research involves cell culture study and on animals, and we plan to do clinical study on the effectiveness of “Canssufive” on humans by the end of next year.”
He said at the moment, chemotherapy was the common treatment for cancer, using powerful drugs to kill the fast-growing cancer cells, while Misai Kucing could naturally stop the growth of tumour cells in the blood vessels.
According to Dr Amin, any element that threatened the oxygen-carrying capacity of the human body would promote cancer growth, while Misai Kucing extract was not only safe, but could also provide additional nutrients.
He said the use of the herbal extract as an anti-angiogenic agent was cheaper than using drugs in treating cancer.
The two-year research costing RM1.5 million found Misai Kucing extract in the capsule and pill form to have higher anti-oxidant content than in the liquid form.
Dr Amin said for the research, USM used Misai Kuching plants from a plantation in Perlis which employed good farm practices to produce quality plants.
USM is currently in negotiation with several companies to produce and market “Canssufive” .
“Practicing regular, mindful breathing can be calming and energizing and can even help with stress-related health problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders.”
Andrew Weil, M.D.
Since breathing is something we can control and regulate, it is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind. I recommend three breathing exercises to help relax and reduce stress: The Stimulating Breath, The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise (also called the Relaxing Breath), and Breath Counting. Try each of these breathing techniques and see how they affect your stress and anxiety levels.
Exercise 1:
The Stimulating Breath (also called the Bellows Breath)
The Stimulating Breath is adapted from yogic breathing techniques. Its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness.
Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. This is a noisy breathing exercise.
Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm, suggesting a bellows. Breathe normally after each cycle.
Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute.
If done properly, you may feel invigorated, comparable to the heightened awareness you feel after a good workout. You should feel the effort at the back of the neck, the diaphragm, the chest and the abdomen. Try this diaphragmatic breathing exercise the next time you need an energy boost and feel yourself reaching for a cup of coffee.
Exercise 2:
The 4-7-8 (or Relaxing Breath) Exercise
The 4-7-8 breathing exercise is utterly simple, takes almost no time, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. Although you can do the exercise in any position, sit with your back straight while learning the exercise. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
Hold your breath for a count of seven.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
Note that with this breathing technique, you always inhale quietly through your nose and exhale audibly through your mouth. The tip of your tongue stays in position the whole time. Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. The absolute time you spend on each phase is not important; the ratio of 4:7:8 is important. If you have trouble holding your breath, speed the exercise up but keep to the ratio of 4:7:8 for the three phases. With practice you can slow it all down and get used to inhaling and exhaling more and more deeply.
This breathing exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. Unlike tranquilizing drugs, which are often effective when you first take them but then lose their power over time, this exercise is subtle when you first try it, but gains in power with repetition and practice. Do it at least twice a day. You cannot do it too frequently. Do not do more than four breaths at one time for the first month of practice. Later, if you wish, you can extend it to eight breaths. If you feel a little lightheaded when you first breathe this way, do not be concerned; it will pass.
Once you develop this technique by practicing it every day, it will be a very useful tool that you will always have with you. Use it whenever anything upsetting happens – before you react. Use it whenever you are aware of internal tension or stress. Use it to help you fall asleep. This exercise cannot be recommended too highly. Everyone can benefit from it.
Exercise 3:
Breath Counting
If you want to get a feel for this challenging work, try your hand atbreath counting, a deceptively simple breathing technique much used in Zen practice.
Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight and head inclined slightly forward. Gently close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then let the breath come naturally without trying to influence it. Ideally it will be quiet and slow, but depth and rhythm may vary.
To begin the exercise, count “one” to yourself as you exhale.
The next time you exhale, count “two,” and so on up to “five.”
Then begin a new cycle, counting “one” on the next exhalation.
Never count higher than “five,” and count only when you exhale. You will know your attention has wandered when you find yourself up to “eight,” “12,” even “19.”
Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks associated with tobacco products.
Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients. When they burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals, according to the American Lung Association. Many of those chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them can cause cancer. Many of the same ingredients are found in cigars and in tobacco used in pipes and hookahs. According to the National Cancer Institute, cigars have a higher level of carcinogens, toxins, and tar than cigarettes.
When using a hookah pipe, you’re likely to inhale more smoke than you would from a cigarette. Hookah smoke has many toxic compounds and exposes you to more carbon monoxide than cigarettes do. Hookahs also produce more secondhand smoke.
In the United States, the mortality rate for smokers is three times that of people who never smoked, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s one of the leading causes of preventable death.
Central Nervous System
One of the ingredients in tobacco is a mood-altering drug called nicotine. Nicotine reaches your brain in mere seconds. It’s a central nervous system stimulant, so it makes you feel more energized for a little while. As that effect subsides, you feel tired and crave more. Nicotine is habit forming.
Smoking increases risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, and poor eyesight. It can also weaken your sense of taste and sense of smell, so food may become less enjoyable.
Your body has a stress hormone called corticosterone, which lowers the effects of nicotine. If you’re under a lot of stress, you’ll need more nicotine to get the same effect.
Physical withdrawal from smoking can impair your cognitive functioning and make you feel anxious, irritated, and depressed. Withdrawal can also cause headaches and sleep problems.
Respiratory System
When you inhale smoke, you’re taking in substances that can damage your lungs. Over time, your lungs lose their ability to filter harmful chemicals. Coughing can’t clear out the toxins sufficiently, so these toxins get trapped in the lungs. Smokers have a higher risk of respiratory infections, colds, and flu.
In a condition called emphysema, the air sacs in your lungs are destroyed. In chronic bronchitis, the lining of the tubes of the lungs becomes inflamed. Over time, smokers are at increased risk of developing these forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Long-term smokers are also at increased risk of lung cancer.
Withdrawal from tobacco products can cause temporary congestion and respiratory pain as your lungs begin to clear out.
Children whose parents smoke are more prone to coughing, wheezing, and asthma attacks than children whose parents don’t. They also tend to have more ear infections. Children of smokers have higher rates of pneumonia and bronchitis.
Cardiovascular System
Smoking damages your entire cardiovascular system. When nicotine hits your body, it gives your blood sugar a boost. After a short time, you’re left feeling tired and craving more. Nicotine causes blood vessels to tighten, which restricts the flow of blood (peripheral artery disease). Smoking lowers good cholesterol levels and raises blood pressure, which can result in stretching of the arteries and a buildup of bad cholesterol (atherosclerosis). Smoking raises the risk of forming blood clots.
Blood clots and weakened blood vessels in the brain increase a smoker’s risk of stroke. Smokers who have heart bypass surgery are at increased risk of recurrent coronary heart disease. In the long term, smokers are at greater risk of blood cancer (leukemia).
There’s a risk to nonsmokers, too. Breathing secondhand smoke has an immediate effect on the cardiovascular system. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases your risk of stroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease.
Skin, Hair, and Nails (Integumentary System)
Some of the more obvious signs of smoking involve the skin. The substances in tobacco smoke actually change the structure of your skin. Smoking causes skin discoloration, wrinkles, and premature aging. Your fingernails and the skin on your fingers may have yellow staining from holding cigarettes. Smokers usually develop yellow or brown stains on their teeth. Hair holds on to the smell of tobacco long after you put your cigarette out. It even clings to nonsmokers.
Digestive System
Smokers are at great risk of developing oral problems. Tobacco use can cause gum inflammation (gingivitis) or infection (periodontitis). These problems can lead to tooth decay, tooth loss, and bad breath.
Smoking also increases risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus. Smokers have higher rates of kidney cancer and pancreatic cancer. Even cigar smokers who don’t inhale are at increased risk of mouth cancer.
Smoking also has an effect on insulin, making it more likely that you’ll develop insulin resistance. That puts you at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. When it comes to diabetes, smokers tend to develop complications at a faster rate than nonsmokers.
Smoking also depresses appetite, so you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs. Withdrawal from tobacco products can cause nausea.
Sexuality and Reproductive System
Restricted blood flow can affect a man’s ability to get an erection. Both men and women who smoke may have difficulty achieving orgasm and are at higher risk of infertility. Women who smoke may experience menopause at an earlier age than nonsmoking women. Smoking increases a woman’s risk of cervical cancer.
Smokers experience more complications of pregnancy, including miscarriage, problems with the placenta, and premature delivery.
Pregnant mothers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to have a baby with low birth weight. Babies born to mothers who smoke while pregnant are at greater risk of low birth weight, birth defects, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Newborns who breathe secondhand smoke suffer more ear infections and asthma attacks.
Pada hakikatnya karena terlalu sibuk bekerja kita manusia terlupa atau mungkin tidak tau bagaimanakah sebetulnya cara bernafas yang betul,
Seperti yang kita tau dan ramai orang tau napas,bernafas iyalah perkara paling penting yang perlu kita buat supaya kita tetap hidup di dunia ini.coba pikir betul pertama seorang bayi dilahirkan bernafasla perkara pertama yang dia buat dan juga saat menginjak usia yang suadah snagat tua saat kita akan pergi meninggalkan dunia bernafas juga perkara terakir yang kita buat tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hembuskanya lalu barulah kite pergi ke alam lain.
Tak sekedar itu bernafas ialah snagat – sangat penting sebab setiap detik,menit,dan jam tidak terkira berapa ratus , ribu, bahkan sampi berapa jutakah kita bernafas.tidur pon bernafas bangun tidur bernafas makan bernafas tak kira mata terlelap ataupon terbuka sudah jadi wajibnya kita akan bernafas,sehingga dengan teknik bernafas yang betul bernafas boleh dijadikan ubat ataupon therapi.untuk fisik yang sihat ataupon yang memang fisik yang lemah bahkan untuk fisik yang bermasalah.
Berikut kita bahagikan beberapa teknik pernafasan yang bila dilakukan dengan benar akan membantu menjadi sebuah therapi peyembuhan yang sangat sederhana namun berkesan.
*Duduk bersila tangan kedua tangan melingkar di perut dengan siku menutup rusuk,kepala tegak menghadap kedepan posisi dagu lurus pejamkan mata tenangkan hati dan pikiran kemudian ,
1.tarik nafas melalui hidung pelahan namun yang panjang dan tahan untuk beberapa detik ataupun minit sesuai kemampuan
2.lepaskan secara pelahan juga melalui hidung.
kurang lebih sama banyak nafas yang di keluarkan dengan yang diambil. ulanginya sebanyak yang anda mampu mungkin 3 kali, tujuh kali, atau jikalau mampu boleh ulanginya sampai beratus ataupun beribu,lakukan sampai anda betul-betul nyaman.
*Lakukan posisi tubuh dan tangan kepala sama dengan diatas tetapi cara pengambilan dan pelepasan nafas berbeda,cara ini mungkin berbeda dan lebih berat.
tarik nafas perlahan perlahan dan bagi jarak,,,tarik nafas kemudian tahan dan tarik lagi kemudian ketika melepaskan nafas juga perlahan perlahan dengan cara lepaskan nafas,tahan,lepaskan nafas sampai habis.
*Kemudian yang satu ni duduk bersila tenang pejamkan mata tarik nafas pelahan dan lepaskan buat seperti bernafas biasa namun yg teratur,kosongkan pikiran buatlah dengan tenang dengan sendirinya tubuh akan memberikan tanda2 sendiri untuk bergerak ikutkan sahaja kehendak tubuh kita,kalau terasa teringin berdiri,berdirilah,anda teringin berguling guling lakukan,yang pasti ikuti apa yang di inginkan tubuh anda.
karena gerakan yang diinginkan tubuh anda dengan pernafasan yg teratur akan menjadi therapi yang sangat bagus tanpa menggunakan ubat.
sekian sekiranya berkenan bolehla mencoba lakukanya ‘SIHAT ITU TAK MAHAL KALU KITA BIJAK DAN TELITI,TAPI BOLEH JADI MAHAL KALAU KITA CUAI’
Perubahan gaya hidup yang semakin moden dan terlalu bergantung kepada peralatan mesin dalam kehidupan seharian menyebabkan golongan wanita di negara ini semakin kurang bersenam, kata seorang pensyarah sukan.
Ketua Unit Sains Sukan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Dr Chen Chee Keong berkata 80 peratus daripada wanita yang telah dinilai mengaku kurang bersenam.
“Kebanyakan mereka tidak bersenam kerana beberapa faktor seperti tidak mempunyai masa yang cukup, kurang pengetahuan tentang senaman, perubahan dalam gaya hidup dan terlalu bergantung pada mesin seperti mesin basuh, mesin pengering kain, dan mesin pencuci pinggan mangkuk,” katanya kepada Bernama di sini, hari ini.
Beliau sebelum itu membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk “Penilaian dan Promosi Kecergasan Berkaitan Dengan Kesihatan Dalam Kalangan Wanita Pertengahan Umur” pada Seminar Sains Sukan ke-7 anjuran USM.
Dr Chen berkata soal kurang bersenam tidak boleh dipandang ringan oleh golongan wanita, ini kerana lama-kelamaan ia boleh menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit kronik seperti sakit jantung, kencing manis, strok dan obesiti.
Menurutnya golongan wanita perlu memperuntukkan sekurang-kurangnya 20 minit sehari dan tiga kali seminggu untuk melakukan senaman.
“Banyak cara yang boleh dilakukan, kerja rumah juga boleh dijadikan satu bentuk senaman, bersenam tidak semestinya perlu berjoging di taman atau pun membeli peralatan senaman yang mahal-mahal,” katanya.
Beliau berkata antara senaman yang boleh dipraktikkan dengan mudah oleh golongan wanita ialah melakukan tarian poco-poco, bermain dengan anak-anak di taman, mengemas rumah dan berjalan kaki atau berjalan laju.
“Aktiviti seperti ini bukan sahaja dapat menguruskan badan, melancarkan perjalanan darah dan menyihatkan jantung tetapi dalam masa yang sama dapat mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan,” katanya.
Dr Chen berkata golongan wanita, terutama yang berkerjaya dikesan lebih cenderung menggunakan jalan mudah untuk kelihatan kurus dan ramping, iaitu dengan menggunakan krim sapu dan ubat kurus yang banyak dijual di pasaran.
“Biasanya, golongan wanita bekerja paling berisiko untuk mempunyai berat badan tidak ideal kerana waktu makan mereka yang tidak menentu.
“Mereka juga lebih suka memilih makanan segera yang lebih cepat dan mudah diperolehi berbanding makanan sempurna manakala kerja rumah juga lebih banyak bergantung kepada orang gaji.
Membantu mengemas rumah…
“Kalau betul ada krim sapu yang boleh hilangkan lemak sekelip mata, tentu tak ada lagi masalah berat badan berlebihan, tentu ramai orang kita yang kurus dan ramping,” katanya.
Jelas beliau, pada asasnya tiada jalan singkat untuk mendapatkan kesihatan yang unggul melainkan dengan melakukan senaman yang kerap dan memakan pemakanan yang seimbang
Pemenuhan nutrisi tubuh dapat dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi makanan dan suplemen. Namun, keduanya memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh dengan cara yang berbeda. Makanan memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi bersama dengan berbagai komponen lainnya, sedangkan suplemen menyajikan nutrisi spesifik bergantung dengan jenis suplemen.
Dari segi nutrisi, perbedaan mendasar antara makanan dan suplemen adalah komposisi nutrisi yang terdapat dalam keduanya. Yang termasuk komposisi nutrisi adalah vitamin, mineral, bahan herbal, asam amino, dan komponen lainnya yang ditemukan dalam konsumsi pada umumnya seperti enzim. Suplemen adalah suatu produk yang dikonsumsi lewat mulut yang memiliki satu atau lebih komposisi nutrisi. Namun, suplemen bukanlah untuk mengganti makanan atau bahan makanan. Pada makanan kemasan terdapat label informasi nilai gizi, sedang suplemen memiliki label informasi komposisi suplemen.
Plus minus suplemen vs makanan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi
Karena keduanya memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh, keduanya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing.
Plus – Kandungan nutrisi makanan memiliki kombinasi yang lebih banyak dan memiliki fungsi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan suplemen. Hal ini disebabkan karena makanan utuh mengandung berbagai campuran nutrisi, disertai dengan substansi lainnya yang membantu dalam menjaga kesehatan, seperti serat, antioksidan, dan zat kimia tumbuhan (phytochemicals). Kandungan nutrisi yang diperoleh dari makanan utuh tidak hanya berfungsi dalam pertumbuhan, memperbaiki sel yang rusak, menyediakan energi, dan imunitas, tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai komponen yang mengurangi risiko penyakit. Terlebih beberapa nutrisi seperti kalsium pada makanan utuh lebih mudah diserap tubuh dibandingkan yang bersumber dari suplemen.
Minus – Kandungan nutrisi seimbang dari bermacam sumber pada makanan utuh tidak selalu dapat memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh. Dalam beberapa kondisi tertentu, tubuh kita membutuhkan jumlah nutrisi spesifik yang lebih dari yang lainnya. Misalnya saat menjalani kehamilan atau mengalami perdarahan berlebih saat menstruasi, tubuh memerlukan asupan zat besi yang lebih banyak dibandingkan asupan yang diperoleh hanya bersumber dari makanan. Makanan utuh juga belum tentu dapat memenuhi jumlah nutrisi dengan batas kecukupan minimal seperti pada wanita hamil yang memerlukan 400 mikrogram folat dan vitamin B untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perkembangan bayi. Terlebih lagi jika seseorang sedang menjalani diet dan menghindari jenis makanan tertentu, maka makanan yang ia konsumsi kemungkinan memiliki kekurangan nutrisi yang penting tubuh.
Plus – Kelebihan utama dari suplemen berkaitan dengan memenuhi asupan nutrisi yang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh makanan utuh. Suplemen juga dapat membantu dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi spesifik yang diperlukan oleh seseorang dengan kondisi kesehatan tertentu. Misalnya, suplementasi protein untuk meningkatkan berat badan dan membantu pertumbuhan tinggi badan pada anak dengan pertumbuhan terlambat.
Minus – Konsumsi suplemen dapat berbahaya jika seseorang tidak memiliki kebutuhan akan nutrisi tertentu sehingga dapat menyebabkan pola asupan nutrisi berlebih yang dapat menyebabkan efek toksik bagi kesehatan. Misalnya kelebihan vitamin D dapat merusak ginjal atau konsumsi minyak ikan berlebih dapat memicu penyakitstroke disertai dengan perdarahan.
Beberapa suplemen memiliki efek samping setelah pemakaian, terlebih lagi apabila dikonsumsi pada seseorang dengan kondisi status kesehatan tertentu atau dikonsumsi bersamaan dengan obat tertentu. Selain itu, banyak dari efek samping asupan nutrisi dari suplemen terhadap ibu hamil dan anak-anak yang belum diketahui. Maka jika seseorang memerlukan suplemen nutrisi tertentu dengan dosis tinggi sebaiknya dikonsumsi dibawah pengawasan tenaga kesehatan profesional.
Konsumsi makanan terlebih dahulu, lalu konsumsi suplemen jika diperlukan
Meskipun suplemen dapat memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi yang kurang, namun suplemen tidak dapat menggantikan manfaat dari konsumsi makanan utuh. Kebutuhan nutrisi akan lebih baik dipenuhi dengan mengonsumsi makanan utuh, karena dalam makanan utuh terdapat banyak serat dan zat kimia tumbuhan lainnya yang dapat bersinergi dengan nutrisi makanan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan seseorang.
Yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum mengonsumsi suplemen
Sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk mengonsumsi suplemen, sebaiknya Anda mempertimbangkan hal berikut:
Jika Anda ingin memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi, pertimbangkan makanan bergizi terlebih dahulu. Ikutilah pedoman gizi seimbang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh Anda.
Perhatikan kelompok nutrisi apa yang mungkin Anda lewatkan dan pahami bagaimana cara pemenuhannya.
Konsumsi multivitamin masih lebih baik dibandingkan konsumsi suplemen nutrisi spesifik. Pilihlah multivitamin yang memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi harian.
Jika Anda merasa kebiasaan pola makan Anda tidak sehat atau tidak mencukupi nutrisi, konsumsi suplemen bukanlah jawabannya. Nutrisi tetap harus diperoleh dari makanan yang sehat.
Patuhilah aturan konsumsi suplemen, terutama batas asupan maksimal. Konsumsi nutrisi yang melebihi kebutuhan akan menyebabkan gejala keracunan dengan mudah
Makna olahraga menurut ensiklopedia Indonesia adalah gerak badan yang dilakukan oleh satu orang atau lebih yang merupakan regu atau rombongan. Sedangkan dalam Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary (1980) yaitu ikut serta dalam aktivitas fisik untuk mendapatkan kesenangan, dan aktivitas khusus seperti berburu atau dalam olahraga pertandingan (athletic games di Amerika Serikat).Menurut Toto Mucholik olahraga di definsikan sebagai proses sistematik yang berupa segala kegiatan atau usaha yang dapat mendorong mengembangkan dan membina potensi-potensi jasmaniah dan rohaniah seseorang sebagai perorangan atau anggota masyarakat dalam bentuk permainan, perlombaan, pertandingan, dan prestasi puncak dalam pembentukan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya yang berkualitas bedasarkan pancasila. Dari pendapat diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa olahraga adalah proses sistematis dan terprogram yang dilakukan guna mencapai kesejahteraan jasmani, rohani dan sosial yang diaplikasikan dalam berbagai aktivitas permainan, perlombaan maupun pertandingan. Oleh karena itu olahraga harusnya menjadi sebuah kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia karena mengingat manfaat yang sangat besar bagi tubuh manusia. Adapun ruang lingkup olahraga itu sendiri terbagi atas 3 jenis yang setiap jenisnya mempunyai tujuannya masing-masing:
Olahraga Pendidikan
Olahraga yang dilaksanakan sebagai bagian proses pendidikan teratur dan berkelanjutan, untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, kepribadian, ketrampilan, kesehatan dan kebugaran jasmani.
Olahraga Rekreasi
Olahraga yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dengan kegemaran dan kemampuan yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan kondisi dan nilai budaya masyarakat setempat untuk kesehatan, kebugaran dan kegembiraan.
Olahraga Prestasi Olahraga yang membina dan mengembangkan olahraga (atlet) secara terencana,berjenjang dan berkelanjutan melalui kompetisi untuk mencapai prestasi dengan dukungan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keolahragaan. Jadi olahraga merupakan sebuah aktivitas yang terukur untuk mengembangkan atau memperbaiki kualitas hidup manusia agar lebih bugar serta produktif dalam menjalankan hidupnya.
Olahraga juga merupakan sebuah barometer bagi kemajuan suatu bangsa, dengan prestasi olahraga yang baik tentunya akan menjadi sebuah kebanggan bagi suatu bangsa oleh karena itu Penciptaan kualitas SDM dalam bidang olahraga seharusnya dimulai sejak dini, karena merupakan cikal bakal generasi penerus bangsa, sehingga harus dipersiapkan sedini mungkin agar dapat tercapainya sebuah perkembangan dan prestasi yang optimal. Pada usia kanak-kanak misalnya anak cenderung melakukan sebuah aktivitas-aktivitas jasmani walaupun itu masih terlihat sangat sederhana contohnya seperti bermain yang didalam bermain tersebut melibatkan aktivitas-aktivitas jasmani seperti berjalan,berlari, melompat dan meloncat tanpa mereka sadari aktivitas tersebut menunjukan seberapa baik kualitas pertumbuhan gerak jasmani mereka karena setiap anak mempunyai kualitas gerak yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan usia dan pertumbuhan mereka untuk itu selaku orang tua dan guru penjas khususnya harus jeli melihat perkembangan gerak anak tersebut, sehingga mulai dari sedini mungkin, anak sudah mulai diperkenalkan sedikit demi sedikit dengan beberapa cabang olahraga yang nantinya akan mereka pilih sesuai dengan minat dan bakatnya. Dalam hal ini juga anak tidak dapat dipaksakan dalam memilih cabang olahraga yang mereka senangi, untuk itu selaku orang tua, guru dan pelatih hendaknya memberikan kebebasan kepada anak-anak untuk memilih cabang olahraga yang diminatinya kelak serta tidak membatasi kebebasan gerak anak tersebut untuk selalu beraktivitas dan berkreativitas, karena pada dasarnya masa kanak-kanak adalah masa dimana anak tersebut mencoba mengeksplorasi gerak serta pengetahuan mereka.
Hakekat anak usia dini
Anak usia dini merupakan individu yang berbeda, unik dan memiliki karakteristik tersendiri sesuai dengan tahapan usianya. Maka usia dini merupakan masa keemasan dimana stimulasi seluruh aspek pengembangan berperan penting untuk tugas perkembangan selanjutnya masa awal kehidupan anak merupakan masa terpenting dalam rentang kehidupan seorang anak. Usia dini merupakan usia dimana anak mulai mengenal diri dan lingkungan di sekitarnya oleh karena itu pada masa ini anak harus diberi berbagai stimulus atau rangsangan agar tumbuh kembangnya menjadi baik. Stimulus tersebut dapat berupa pendidikan dengan pendidikan anak-anak menjadi lebih terarah khususnya dalam hal bermain anak akan diarahkan oleh guru atau pembimbing untuk melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas yang bermanfaat bagi perkembangan fisik dan mentalnya. Pendidikan usia dini merupakan suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan kepada anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia 6 tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani anak sebagai persiapan untuk hidup dan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya serta memiliki kesiapan untuk memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut.
Karakteristik Anak Usia dini
Anak usia dini memiliki karakteristik yang khas, baik secara fisik, psikis, sosial, moral dan sebagainya. Masa kanak-kanak juga masa yang paling penting untuk sepanjang usia hidupnya. Sebab masa kanak-kanak adalah masa pembentukan pondasi dan masa kepribadian yang akan menentukan pengalaman anak selanjutnya. Sedemikian pentingnya usia tersebut maka memahami karakteristik anak usia dini menjadi mutlak adanya bila ingin memiliki generasi yang mampu mengembangkan diri secara optimal. Pengalaman yang dialami anak pada usia dini akan berpengaruh kuat terhadap kehidupan selanjutnya. Pengalaman tersebut akan bertahan lama. Bahkan tidak dapat terhapuskan, walaupun bisa hanya tertutupi. Bila suatu saat ada stimulasi yang memancing pengalaman hidup yang pernah dialami maka efek tersebut akan muncul kembali walau dalam bentuk yang berbeda. Beberapa hal menjadi alasan pentingnya memahami karakteristik anak usia dini. Sebagian dari alasan tersebut dapat diuraikan sebagaimana berikut :
Usia dini merupakan usia yang paling penting dalam tahap perkembangan manusia, sebab usia tersebut merupakan periode diletakkannya dasar struktur kepribadian yang dibangun untuk sepanjang hidupnya. Oleh karena itu perlu pendidikan dan pelayanan yang tepat.
Pengalaman awal sangat penting, sebab dasar awal cenderung bertahan dan akan mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku anak sepanjang hidupnya, disamping itu dasar awal akan cepat berkembang menjadi kebiasaan. Oleh karena itu perlu pemberian pengalaman awal yang positif.
Perkembangan fisik dan mental mengalami kecepatan yang luar biasa, dibanding dengan sepanjang usianya. Bahkan usia 0 – 8 tahun mengalami 80% perkembangan otak dibanding sesudahnya. Oleh karena itu perlu stimulasi fisik dan mental.
Peranan olahraga bagi usia dini
Budaya hidup sehat dengan olaharaga tentunya harus menjadi sebuah life style ataupun gaya hidup bagi setiap individu dalam segala usia tidak terkecuali usia dini. untuk menerapkan budaya hidup sehat dengan berolahraga tentunya harus dimulai dari keluarga khususnya orang tua dengan mengajak anak sedini mungkin untuk berolahraga sehingga anak nantinya akan terbiasa melakukan aktivitas jasmani yang dilakukan oleh orang tuanya, karena apabila anak mempunyai gerak yang cukup tentunya perkembangan motoriknya akan menjadi baik dan terhindar dari obesitas dan segala macam penyakit. Pada saat sekarang ini terlihat bahwa partisipasi anak usia dini dalam bidang olahraga semakin besar ini terbukti telah banyak dibukanaya club-club olahraga atau sekolah-sekolah sepak bola bagi anak sekolah dasar. dalam institusi pendidikan pun semakin diperhatikan sarana dan prasarana kompetisi olahraga, bahkan sampai dengan kompetisi olahraga usia dini tingkat nasional, keterlibatan atlit-atlit usia dini ini juga tidak terlepas dari keterlibatan orang dewasa sebagai pelatih, Pembina maupun orang tua atlet oleh karena itu pelatihan olahraga usia dini harus dilakukan secara terus menerus dan terprogram agar dapat terciptanya atlet-atlet usia dini yang potensial, olahraga juga mempunyai peran yang sangat penting bagi anak usia dini khususnya bagi tumbuh dan kembang anak agar menjadi optimal baik dari segi fisik, mental dan emosionalnya. Untuk itu tulisan ini akan membahas secara spesifik tentang peranan olahraga bagi anak usia dini. Dari aspek fisik olahraga bagi anak usia dini merupakan hal yang sangat berperan penting dalam tumbuh kembang nya secara jasmani. Aktivitas fisik yang tepat akan memacu tumbuh kembang anak secara optimal tapi itu bukan berarti anak harus melakukan senam jasmani setiap hari seperti hal nya orang dewasa, olahraga bagi anak terutama anak balita tidak harus dalam bentuk gerakan terstruktur, seperti senam jasmani, barai gym, atau bulutangkis. Kegiatan seperti bersepeda, bermain lompat tali dan berlari-larian itu sudah merupakan latihan jasmani bagi anak dan mendukung anak untuk mengeksplorasi gerak agar menjadi lebih baik. Olahraga untuk anak sarat dampak positif seperti disebut dibawah ini.
Dengan berolahraga dapat mengurangi resiko berbagai penyakit khususnya yang berkaitan dengan obesitas. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan, obesitas pada anak-anak meningkatkan risiko terjadinya penyakit degeneratif, seperti jantung, stroke, dan diabetes, pada usia yang lebih muda. Belum termasuk lebih mudah terkena infeksi dan risiko kanker.
Olahraga yang dilakukan sesuai takaran akan membuat anak bugar sehingga ia bisa lebih aktif dan produktif.
Kombinasi olahraga dan diet yang tepat sangat bermanfaat untuk pertumbuhan anak karena merangsang tubuh untuk mengaktifkan hormon pertumbuhan. Sehingga anak bisa mencapai potensi maksimal yang dimilikinya.
Olahraga membantu meningkatkan perkembangan fungsional semua panca indra. Karena saat berolahraga anak-anak dilatih untuk bisa memahami perintah, aturan main, kerja sama, mencari solusi, dan mencapai tujuan.
Olahraga bagi anak dapat menstimulasi perkembangan otak mereka, dengan aktivitas jasmani yang teratur dapat membuat koordinasi kerja otak yang semakin bagus sehingga anak mudah menyerap informasi yang diberikan, dampak lainnya pula adalah anak mempunyai sikap percaya diri yang baik dan ketrampilan sosialnya menjadi lebih baik.
Pada masa kanak-kanak, anak selalu ingin mencari pengakuan akan kemampuannya pada orang dewasa, dalam melakukan aktivitas olahraga pujian yang diberikan keanak akan memberikan dampak positiv bagi anak dan akan memberikan dampak psikologis yang baik untuk anak antara lain seperti perasaan percaya diri, gembira, harga diri, pengalaman merasakan mencapai tujuan dan pengakuan dari teman-teman sebaya akan kemampuannya. Oleh karena itu olahraga sangat berperan penting bagi anak usia dini untuk mengembangkan aspek sosial,emosional dan kejiwaannya untuk membentuk karakternya sejak usia dini.
Tak banyak orang tau apa itu buah aprikot, buah Aprikot memiliki bahasa latin “plum Armenia”. Buah ini adalah salah satu spesies dari subgenus Prem. Dari mana asal muasal tanaman ini sulit dipastikan karena telah di budidayakan sejak zaman dahulu kala. Tetapi kemungkinan besar tanaman ini berasal dari sebelah utara dan barat daratan Cina atau Asia Tengah, bisa juga berasal dari Korea ataupun Jepang. Buah Aprikot ini dapat dikonsumsi secara langsung atau dikeringkan untuk dimakan sebagai buah kering. Buah ini juga cukup nikmat untuk dibuat minuman seperti : jus, selai dan jelly. Berdasarkan sumber dari USDA Nutrient database terdapat beberapa kandungan dalam buah aprikot diantaranya : Energi, Gula, Diet serat, Karbohidrat, Lemak, protein, Beta karoten, vitamin A equiv, Vitamin C dan besi.
Besarnya nutrisi dalam buah aprikot sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi. Dalam satu buah aprikot dengan berat sekitar 40 gram, dapat mengandung 17 kalori, 4 gram karbohidrat, 0,5 gram protein, 3 gram gula, 1 gram serat makanan, 1 gram lemak, dan tanpa kolesterol. Kadar vitamin A pada aprikot adalah 914,20 IU dengan jumlah beta karoten 544,95 mcg, 3 mcg folat, dan 1,2 mcg vitamin K. Buah ini memiliki tingkat tinggi kalium yaitu sekitar 104 mg, 3 mg magnesium, dan 7 mg fosfor. Selain itu, aprikot juga memiliki tingkat lycopene tinggi.
Manfaat buah satu ini sangat luar biasa, berikut penulis paparka ringkasan Manfaat Super, Buah Aprikot bagi Kesehatan yang perlu anda ketahui :
Mencegah Kanker dan Penyakit Jantung
Kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi pada buah aprikot seperti Vitamin C dan lycopene sangat baik untuk mencegah penyakit yang cukup berbahaya yaitu Kanker dan jantung. Kandungan antidioksidan sangat berguna untuk mematikan sel-sel yang menyebabkan penyakit kanker.
Memperlancar Buang Air Besar
Kandungan serat yang tinggi pada buah Aprikot sangat baik dan dibutuhkan untuk memperlancar buah air besar. Bagi anda yang mengalami permasalah atau kesulita buang air besar, maka konsumsilah buah aprikat secara rutin setiap hari.
Menjaga Kesehatan Mata
Mata adalah organ vital yang sangat penting bagi manusia, oleh karena itu menjaga kesehatanya merupakan hal perlu dan penting sekali. Dalam hal ini, buah aprikot memiliki kandungan beta karoten yang sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan mata, terutama berguna dalam mencegah degenerasi makula.
Mengobati Anemia
Buah aprikot memiliki kandungan mineral seperti zat besi dan tembaga yang membantu memproduksi hemoglobin. Sehingga dapat mengatasi dan membantu meregenerasi sel darah merah.
Menjaga Kulit
Manfaat selanjutnya adalah minyak yang terkandung didalam buah aprikot mampu mengobati kudis dan juga penyakit kulit eksim. Selain itu juga sangat efektif untuk merawat kulit agar lebih sehat. Bagi anda yang ingin senantiasa menjaga kesehatan kulitnya salah satunya dapat mengonsumsi buah jenis satu ini secara rutin setiap hari.
Mengatasi Demam
Di dalam buah aprikot terkandung vitamin, mineral, kalori dan air yang dapat mendetoksifikasi tubuh. Sehingga sangat cocok dikonsumsi bagi anda yang sedang mengalami penyakit demam.
Selain memiliki manfaat super bagi kesehatan, ternyata buah Aprikot juga dapat merugikan kesehatan yaitu pada bagian bijinya. Karena bagian biji buah aprikot ini mengandung sejumlah konsentrat unsur kimia yang dapat mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan dalam proses tubuh. Untuk itu sebaiknya Anda berhati-hati dalam mengkonsumsi buah ini, jangan sampai biji dari buah Aprikot ini termakan. Semoga bermanfaat. (One)
According to research conducted at Harvard University, omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is officially one of the top 10 causes of death in America, claiming the lives of up to 96,000 people each year. Out of the 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors examined in the study, omega-3 fatty acid deficiency ranked as the sixth highest killer of Americans. (1) These deaths are considered preventable since getting enough omega 3-fatty acids in your diet can ward off this now common cause of death, and fish oil benefits omega-3 intake as a potent omega-3 source.
The fish oil benefits include decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke while also helping reduce symptoms of depression, hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joint pain, arthritis and chronic skin ailments like eczema. (2) Fish oil intake has also been associated with aiding the body in weight loss, fertility, pregnancy and increased energy. Prescription fish oil has even been approved by the FDA to lower unhealthy high triglyceride levels. (3)
Most of the fish oil benefits are because it’s one of nature’s richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. While fish oil benefits are numerous, there are some false claims on how to use this incredible supplement, but in this article I go over the proven scientific evidence to demonstrate the true benefits of fish oil.
What Is Fish Oil?
Fish oil comes from the tissues of oily fish. The best sources are cold-water, fatty fish. When it comes to human consumption of fish oil, you can get it from fish themselves or from a fish oil supplement.
Fish oil is a concentrated source of omega-3 fats, which are also called ω-3 fatty acids or n-3 fatty acids. To get more scientific, omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs. Our bodies are able to make most of the fats we need need, but that’s not true for omega-3 fatty acids. When it comes to these essential fats, we need to get them from omega-3 foods or supplements.
Fish oil contains two very important omega-3 PUFAs. I’m talking about docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA and EPA are sometimes called the marine omega-3s because they mainly come from fish. Some of the best fish to eat to obtain fish oil from in your diet include wild-caught salmon, herring, white fish, sardines and anchovies.
Top 13 Fish Oil Benefits
There are so many fish oil benefits. These are just some of the top scientifically proven fish oil benefits I want to make you aware of.
Many members of the medical community, like myself, believe that suboptimal levels of omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to symptoms of ADHD and related developmental problems as well as many other mental health problems over one’s lifetime. (4)
A 2012 study involved children from 6 to 12 years of age with ADHD who were being treated with methylphenidate and standard behavior therapy for more than six months. The parents of these children reported no improvement in behavior and academic learning using these standard treatments. The researchers randomly gave some of the children an omega-3 and omega-6 supplement or a placebo. They found “statistically significant improvement” for the omega group in the following categories: restlessness, aggressiveness, completing work and academic performance. (5)
Another study found that increasing omega-3 intake, specifically DHA, may improve literacy and behavior in children with ADHD. (6) Fish oil is believed to work via its effects on brain function, which makes sense when you consider that 60 percent of the brain is composed of fats. (7)
2. Alzheimer’s Disease
For several years now, the fish oil and Alzheimer’s disease connection has been studied with consistent results. The essential fatty acids vital for brain function that are found in fish oil can not only slow cognitive decline, but can help prevent brain atrophy in older adults. A study published in the FASEB Journal looked at the health effects of four- to 17-month supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. The findings once again confirm the potential for fish oil to be used as a weapon to fend off the onset of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. (8)
Another study conducted by researchers at Rhode Island Hospital examined the relationship between fish oil supplementation and indicators of cognitive decline. The subjects of the study were older adults: 229 cognitively normal individuals, 397 patients with mild cognitive impairment and 193 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. They were assessed with neuropsychological tests and brain magnetic resonance imaging every six months while taking fish oil supplements. The study found that the adults taking fish oil (who had not yet developed Alzheimer’s and did not have genetic risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s known as APOE ε4) experienced significantly less cognitive decline and brain shrinkage than adults not taking fish oil. (9)
3. Anxiety
The European Journal of Neuroscience published a study in 2013 showing that fish oilreversed all anxiety-like and depression-like behavior changes induced in rats. This is an interesting study because it stresses the importance of supplementing with fish oil at “critical periods of brain development.” (10) This is exactly why I recommend giving fish oil to our kids from early on to help them so they won’t develop anxiety or depression later in life.
4. Arthritis
An 18-month study was published in 2014 that evaluated how borage seed oil — rich in GLA — and fish oil rich fared against each other in treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was discovered that all three groups (one taking fish oil, one taking borage oil and one taking a combination of the two) “exhibited significant reductions” in disease activity, and no therapy outperformed the others. For all three, “meaningful clinical responses” were the same after nine months. (11)
This is great news for both fish and borage oil when it comes to arthritis patients, but it’s critical to emphasize that the results were the same because taking too many supplements is simply a waste of money.
Another study also showed that omega-3 fish oil supplements worked just as well asNSAIDs in reducing arthritic pain and are a safer alternative to NSAIDs. (12)
5. Cancer
Scientific studies have found that fish oil can help to prevent and kill various cancers, including colon, prostate and breast. (13) Not only has research proven that it makes conventional cancer drugs more effective, but it’s also an effective stand-alone therapy innatural cancer treatment.
A scientific review published in 2013 looked at omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and prostate cancer prevention. Researchers concluded that there’s a great deal of evidence suggesting that omega-3s have antiproliferative effects – which means they inhibit cancer cell growth – in cancer cell lines, animal models and humans. In addition, the “direct effects on cancer cells” and indirect anti-inflammatory effects on the immune system fighting the cancer likely contribute to the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to inhibit tumor growth. (14)
A group out of India conducted a study published in Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology based on the premise that “fish oil rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been preferred to chemosensitize tumor cells to anti-cancer drugs.” The study found that using 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) to treat colorectal cancer along with fish oil increased the survival rate in carcinogen-treated animals. Researchers also found that the fish oil ameliorated hematologic depression, along with gastrointestinal, hepatic and renal toxicity caused by the 5-FU. (15)
A scientific review in 2014 evaluated study findings on omega-3 intake in relation to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, the most prevalent cancer among women. The review found that EPA and DHA, as well as ALA, can differentially inhibit breast tumor development. According to this review, there is solid evidence to support the use of omega-3s as “a nutritional intervention in the treatment of breast cancer to enhance conventional therapeutics, or potentially lowering effective doses.” (16) Additionally, a 2016 study found that “very high fish consumption in early adulthood to midlife may be associated with decreased risk of breast cancer.” (17)
Fish oil also looks to be helpful for another type of cancer experienced by women: endometrial cancer. A scientific study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds that “long chain omega-3 intake associated with reduced endometrial cancer risk only in normal-weight women.” (18)
6. Cardiovascular Disease
According to the Cardiovascular Research Institute in Maastricht in Netherlands, “Epidemiological studies show that replacing fat with carbohydrates may even be worse [than the Western-type high-fat diet] and that various polyunsaturated fatty acids (FA) have beneficial rather than detrimental effects on CVD (cardiovascular disease) outcome.” This includes fish-oil fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent and reverse a plethora of cardiovascular diseases. (19)
Studies have also found that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are associated with improved survival rates for heart attack victims. A study published in the medical journalCirculation found that people who took a high dose of fish oil each for six months following the occurrence of a heart attack actually improved their hearts’ overall functioning and also reduced biomarkers of systemic inflammation. (20)
7. Depression
We’ve already seen that fish oil can help with depression-like symptomsin rats, but what about people? A study published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience evaluated the effects of fish oil supplementation on prefrontal metabolite concentrations in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Researchers found that there was a 40 percent decrease in major depression disorder symptoms in addition to marked improvements in amino acid and nutrition content in the brain, specifically, the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (21)
8. Diabetes
A study published in Brain Research shows how far-reaching fish oil can be for people with diabetes. Researches found that fish oil can help reduce the risk of diabetics from developing cognitive deficit because it protects the hippocampus cells from being destroyed. The study also showed that fish oil could help reduce oxidative stress, which plays a central role in the development of diabetes complications, both microvascular and cardiovascular. (22)
Another recent study shows that fatty fish consumption can cut the risk of eye-diabetes complications. The researches tracked the seafood consumption of about 3,600 diabetic men and women between the ages of 55 and 80 for nearly five years. The researchers found that people who regularly consumed 500 milligrams each day of omega-3 fatty acid in their diets (equal to two servings of fatty fish per week) were 48 percent less likely to develop diabetic retinopathy than those who consumed less. (23)
Combined, this shows consuming fish oil benefits diabetics and that fish oil sources should be included as part of a diabetic diet plan.
9. Eye Disorders
There’s more good news when it comes to fish oil and eye health, and it’s just not just for diabetic this time. Fish oil has been shown to reverse age-related eye disorders. In March 2014, French researchers evaluated 290 patients with age-relatedmacular degeneration (AMD), and they discovered that dietary oil fish and seafood intake were significantly lower in AMD patients. Due to the high EPA and DHA levels in fish oil, it was concluded that this kind of nutritional intervention could especially benefit those at high risk for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. (24)
A higher intake of polyunsaturated fats like those found in fish and fish oils have also been linked to reduced levels of cortical cataracts.
10. Immune System Function
An animal study revealed that when the antioxidant astaxanthin is combined with fish oil, the immune-boosting power is multiplied. The researchers believe that the results of this study are definitely applicable to human health. They conclude that the study reinforces the health-promoting effects of habitual fish consumption. (25)
Salmon is a fish that naturally contains both fish oil and astaxanthin. I also recommending buying a fish oil supplement that contains astaxanthin.
11.Skin and Hair
The health benefits of fish oil can be incredible for the body’s largest organ, the skin. This source of essential fats improves the health and beauty of human skin in several ways. Fish oil benefits and nourishes the skin with fats and contributes fat-soluble vitamins that help skin maintain a smooth, elastic texture. There is also evidence that fish oil prevents wrinkles and works against the aging process.
The deficiency of EPA and DHA in diet contributes to skin conditions, such as dandruff,thinning hair, eczema and psoriasis, as well as age spots and sun spots. Without the essential fatty acids, too much moisture leaves the skin. The truth is your internal health can appear on your skin, and taking fish oil internally as a supplement may be as good as or better than applying conventional moisturizers.
In one study, individuals taking fish oil equivalent to 1.8 grams of EPA had a significant reduction in symptoms of eczema after 12 weeks. Researchers believe that these effects may be due to fish oil’s ability to reduce leukotriene B4, an inflammatory substance that plays a role in eczema. (26)
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, fish oil can aid in preventing or slowing heart disease, which is especially great for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis sufferers who are at a higher risk of developing heart disease. (27) When it comes to using fish oil supplements for the alleviation of psoriasis symptoms, studies have been mixed with some showing improvement but others showing no effect. If you suffer from psoriasis, you may want to try a fish oil supplement, or else I highly recommend that you make sure to have fish rich in omega-3s regularly.
One of the biggest reasons fish oil leads to healthier skin is definitely the fact that it can reduce inflammation. Research has shown that fish oil supplements can even reduce sun-induced inflammation and provide sunburn relief. “The sunburn response is markedly reduced by dietary fish oil rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.” (28)
12. Fertility and Pregnancy
Recent studies have shown that the consumption of fish oil (or, more specifically, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil) can improve fertility in both men and women. DHA, which is a byproduct of omega-3 fatty acids, plays a key role in the mobility of sperm and health of sperm in men. Low blood levels of DHA have been linked to decreased fertility. Animal studies have found that the DHA in fish is vital to changing dysfunctional round-headed sperm into strong swimmers with cone-shaped heads packed with egg-opening proteins. (29)
Fish oil has also been shown to increase fertility in women by reducing inflammation,balancing hormones and regulating their cycles. Also, fish oil has been found effective in treating conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis, which can cause infertility.
Fish oil is also extremely beneficial for pregnant women and their children. Throughoutpregnancy and also while breastfeeding, a woman’s omega-3 needs are even higher than usual. According to the American Pregnancy Association, most U.S. women are deficient in EPA and especially DHA going into pregnancy and get even more depleted during pregnancy, as the placenta supplies the fetus with DHA from the mother’s tissue. Omega-3 DHA is a critical building block of the fetal brain, eyes and nervous system. Once the baby is born, omega-3s continue to be vital to healthy brain development and immune function. (30)
Omega-3 fatty acids also seem to reduce the chance of premature delivery. (31) EPA and DHA intake can help support healthy labor and delivery outcomes. This omega-3 duo also helps normalize mood and overall well-being in the mother after giving birth.
13. Weight Loss
Australian researchers published results of a study examining the effects of fish oil onweight loss in combination with diet and exercise in the May 2007 issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The results show that a combination of fish oil supplements and regular exercise can reduce body fat while also improving heart and metabolic health. The fish supplementation group had lowered triglycerides, increased HDL cholesterol and improved blood flow. Overall, adding fish oil to a current exercise program (and a overall healthy lifestyle) looks like it can decrease body fat as well as cardiovascular disease risk. (32)
Another small study had all volunteers consume the same exact control diet and substituted fish oil for visible fats (things like butter and cream). The volunteers consumed six grams of fish oil each day for three weeks. They found that body fat mass decreased with the intake of fish oil. The researchers conclude that dietary fish oil reduces body fat and stimulates the use of fatty acids for the production of energy in healthy adults. (33)
If you’ve been wondering, “What does fish oil do?” hopefully you now have a better idea of the very large array of possible fish oil benefits!
Fish Oil Nutritional Background
The main nutritional value of fish oil is its high fatty acid content. As I just mentioned, fish oil benefits come from the fact that it’s rich in the omega-3 fatty acids known as DHA and EPA.
Wondering about the specifics of fish oil nutrition? One teaspoon (four grams) of fish oil from sardines, for example, contains approximately: (34)
40.6 calories
4.5 grams fat (1.5 grams saturated fat)
0 milligrams sodium
0 grams fiber
0 grams sugar
0 grams protein
14.9 international units vitamin D (4 percent DV)
1,084 milligrams omega-3 fatty acids (DV varies by age and gender)
90.6 milligrams omega-6 fatty acids (DV varies by age and gender)
Nutritional information varies by product and fish source. Check supplement labeling for specific details.
Omega-3 Deficiency Side Effects
Many of Americans’ health problems can be traced back to having an imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Omega-6 fats aren’t necessarily bad for you, but if they’re consumed in large amounts without omega-3s they cause inflammation, which leads to chronic illness.
Today, the average American has a 20:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats, when a healthy ratio is more ideally around 2:1. Put in other numerical terms, the typical American diet tends to contain 14 to 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. (35) This shows just how deficient most of us are and why supplementing with fish oil is so beneficial.
The biggest cause of omega-3 deficiency is the overconsumption of foods high in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 comes from things like fried foods, fast foods and boxed foods that contain vegetables oils like soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil and corn oil. When you consume too much omega-6, it can decrease your body’s ability to metabolize healthy omega-3 fatty acids. (36)
Research has shown that having a lower ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of many common chronic diseases. Getting enough omega-3, which means having a proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6, has been shown in hundreds of studies to possibly provide benefits to many inflammatory diseases, including: (37)
It’s also important to know that even though certain other foods like flaxseeds and grass-fed beef contain omega-3 fats, those omegas are ALA and not EPA/DHA like what’s found in fish oil. According to the medical research, there are far more health benefits in fish oil (EPA/DHA) than flax oil (ALA) for most people.
It’s also important to note that omega-6 fatty acids aren’t bad for you. In fact, if your diet contains too many omega-3 fatty acids, your immune system wouldn’t work very well. It’s all about the balance of these two essential fatty acids.
How to Take Fish Oil Supplements
Your best way to achieve a good balance of omega-3 and omega-6 is by getting your fish oil from wild-caught fish like salmon. However, I still think it is beneficial for some to supplement with a high quality omega 3 fish oil or cold liver oil. Plus, cold water fish are frequently contaminated with mercury and pesticide residues, making it very difficult to safely achieve recommended levels.
Therefore, supplementing your diet with pure anti-oxidant rich fish oil can be one of the best ways to get your omega 3s. The types of fish which are most commonly used in fish oil supplements are salmon, cod liver, mackerel, sardines, halibut, pollock and herring.
Currently, there isn’t a set standard recommendation for how many omega-3s we need each day, but suggestions range from a fish oil dosage of 500 to 1,000 milligrams daily depending on whom you ask. How easy is it to get these recommended amounts? To give you an idea, there are more than 500 milligrams of total omega-3s in one can of tuna fish and one small serving of wild-caught salmon.
When taking fish oil, more is not always better. Remember that you want it to stay in a balanced ratio with omega-6 fats. For most people, I recommend a 1,000-milligram dose of fish oil daily as a good amount and the most scientifically studied dosage. I highly recommend not taking more than that unless directed to under the supervision of a doctor.
Also, not all fish oils are created equal. Most fish oils are highly processed and can oxidize easily because omega-3 fats are polyunsaturated, have a low heat threshold and can easily go rancid. For that reason, you want to buy a fish oil in triglyceride form that also contains antioxidants to preserve them like astaxanthin or essential oils.
To improve the health of your heart, brain, skin, hair, body and much, much more, consider adding fish oil to your daily supplement regime or consume wild-caught fish daily. If you’re adverse to fish oil pills, make sure to get at least two servings of fatty fish each week to fulfill your omega-3 needs and provide your body with fish oil benefits. This is a recommendation also encouraged by the American Heart Association. (38)
Does Fish Oil Cause Prostate Cancer?!
Back in 2013, a study came out that made a lot of people concerned about fish oil supplements and cancer. The study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showed that men who consume the largest amount of fish oil had a 71 percent higher risk of high-grade prostate cancer and a 43 percent increase in all types of prostate cancer. The study was conducted on 2,227 men, of which 38 percent of the men already had prostate cancer. (39)
According to researcher Theodore Brasky from the Ohio State University Medical Center, “These fish oil supplements in which some men getting mega, mega doses… in our opinion that is probably a little bit dangerous.” (40)
What is a “mega dose”? The American Heart Association considers taking up to three grams of fish oil per day “safe.” It advises that “patients taking more than 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids from capsules should do so only under a physician’s care.” (41) Most physicians would say that taking 2+ grams (or 2,000+ milligrams) daily is a mega dose.
So do I think you should stop taking your fish oil immediately because of this study? No. But should you take a look at how much fish oil you take and what brand you take? Yes, definitely.
The reason why fish oil could increase a man’s risk of prostate cancer is IMBALANCE. Like I said earlier, omega-6 fatty acids aren’t bad for you. In fact, if your diet contains too many omega-3 fatty acids, your immune system wouldn’t work very well because omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are meant to work in a system of checks and balances. Omega-3 fatty acids suppress inflammation, and omega-6 fatty acids promote inflammation, which actually supports your body’s natural system of defense like activating your white blood cells.
So, if you consume too many omega-3 fats (EPA/DHA) you can actually weaken your immune system, which would encourage rather than ward off cancer. So I take this study to be a very good example of why more is not more when it comes to supplements, and you should be cautious not to overdo it with fish oil or any other supplement.
Fish Oil Side Effects, Interactions and Precautions
If you’re not able to get enough fish oil benefits through your diet, fish oil supplements can be a good option. Fish oil side effects can include belching, bad breath, heartburn, nausea, loose stools, rash and nosebleeds, but in my experience, taking a high-quality fish oil supplement can reduce the likelihood of any unwanted side effects. It’s also a good idea to take fish oil with meals to reduce side effects.
Before taking fish oil, you should speak with your doctor if you currently take any medication or have any ongoing health concerns. You should also speak to your doctor before taking fish oil if you have a known fish or shellfish allergy.
If you have a bleeding disorder, bruise easily or take blood-thinning medications, you should use fish oil supplements with extra caution since large doses of omega-3 fatty acids can increase bleeding risk. This bleeding risk also applies to people with no history of bleeding disorders or current medication usage. If you have type 2 diabetes, you should only use fish oil supplements under your doctor’s supervision. Individuals with type 2 diabetes can experience increases in fasting blood sugar levels while taking fish oil supplements.
My estimate is that close to 90 percent of fish oils on the market today may contain mercury and pesticide residues plus hydrogenated oils. Of course, this is my opinion based on my own research from visiting different manufacturing plants, interviewing companies, and studying the research and the listed ingredients of typical fish oils. I would stay away from ALL fish oils that do not have antioxidants like astaxanthin, which help stabilize the oil from going rancid. I always look for astaxanthin as part of any high-quality fish oil supplement.
To avoid fish oil supplements containing mercury or other harmful contaminants, purchase supplements from a reputable source that clearly tests for these health-hazardous contaminants in its products. These tests should be ideally conducted by a third-party, and a certificate of analysis should indicate the levels of purity from environmental toxins.
Final Thoughts on Fish Oil Benefits
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our health, but our bodies cannot make them so we must get them from diet. If diet is not enough to meet our needs, then a high-quality fish oil supplement is the next best option.
The best fish oil supplement always ones manufactured under strict standards with thorough testing for health-hazardous contaminants like mercury.
Post-supplementation “fish burps” can be avoided by consuming fish oil with food.
Fish oils can be used as prevention to health problems as well as a treatment.
Scientific studies have and continue to back up all of the incredible fish oil benefits ranging from eczema and fertility to heart disease and many types of cancer.