Child’s Heartbeat Controls London Christmas Lights to Help Charity, Tiny Tickers

LONDON, Dec. 21, 2018 /PRNewswire/ —

London’s shopping streets, the Seven Dials, located in the heart of the West End, will celebrate Christmas Lights with a difference this December.

See the stunning video here:

The normally static lights are being connected to the heart monitor of Billy, a 2-year old heart patient using innovative new technology – so that they pulse in time with his heartbeat

The activity is to help shine a light on the plight of babies and children who miss Christmas due to serious heart conditions

Tiny Tickers, a small charity dedicated to helping improve the detection, care and treatment of babies with serious heart conditions, is highlighting that whilst everyone else is admiring the Christmas lights, many babies and young children face a very different Christmas; in hospital waiting for, or recovering from, open heart surgery.

Young Billy was diagnosed with Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) at his mum’s 20 week scan.  TGA is a condition where the two main blood vessels leaving the heart are swapped over and affects 1 in 10,000 babies. After a traumatic 13-hour operation at just 7 days old, Billy has come on in leaps and bounds.

Billys mum commented on the activation: Christmas is meant to be the happiest time of year but its very easy to forget that lots of families could be going through a really hard time and sadly they dont get to enjoy the holidays together. 

I really wanted to be involved in this idea because its really important to keep making noise and raising awareness about heart disease but also make people aware of the wider impact it has on families 

Thankfully we have incredible support from charities such as Tiny Tickers but the funding doesnt magically appear, it relies on donations from the public. So I really hope this activation encourages people to donate even if its just a small amount. 

  • Billy was born 9th  May 2016, and had heart surgery on 16th May 2016
  • 312 UK babies with a serious heart condition will be born over the Christmas period
  • 1 in every 125 babies born in the UK has a heart defect
  • 1,000 babies leave hospitals in the UK every year with an undetected heart condition
  • Charity Tiny Tickers calls for people to give the ‘gift of hope’ to a sick child by donating at Christmas

Contact Details:

Siobhan Filsell

Ross Stebbing

Jade Lancashire